do i have NO chance?

<p>i just want to know if i have a slim chance or no chance at all for acceptance.</p>

<p>i attend a US high school, but i was born in montreal and still hold my canadian citizenship.
my cumulative GPA is 101.7567 weighted as of the end of junior year.</p>

<p>AP bio (received a 90 and a 3 on the exam) in sophomore year
AP english lang and comp (95 and 3 on the exam) in junior year
and am currently taking AP studio art, AP english lit, AP calc AB, and AP psychology.
i'm ranked 12/285, which is bad, i know, but i didn't even care about school until last year. /: i really regret this.</p>

<p>my SAT scores are TERRIBLE, but i plan on retaking both the SAT I and SAT subject tests.
unless you think it's advisable that i just take the ACTs.
580 in math, 670 in critical reading, and 640 in writing.
590 in biology m. unspeakable math and biology scores, i know. ><</p>

<p>so was it a waste to apply?</p>

<p>Well, Canadians are much less intelligent than Americans, so they’ll take that into account

<p>Who knows…but being a Montreal native should help cuz they have a quota</p>

<p>Hmm, what is your GPA on a 4.0 scale? Unweighted, please.</p>

<p>McGill mostly decides on GPA scores.</p>

but it may be 4.0 at the end of this semester.</p>

<p>ewww, 12/285. I’m sorry but there’s just no way they will accept you. You have to be at least top 2% of your class to get into McGill.</p>

<p>(haha wutang, i like your sense of humor)</p>

<p>thanks for your honesty. XD
i thought the same way, but my grandmother was adamant about me applying.
i’m thinking this is alright for Concordia, though. (the one in montreal)</p>

<p>your grades and rank are great.
the only things that will hurt you are math and sat2s, but still, assuming you arent applying to sciences or engineering, i don’t think it will dent your chances quite so badly.</p>

<p>I do recommend trying the ACT tho.</p>

<p>Those test scores are probably too low, but why not apply?</p>

<p>i applied for BCOM in International Business, so… maybe i’ll be okay retaking the subject tests in another subject.
it’s too late for the ACTs, i think ><</p>

<p>guys, SAT and ACT’s are really not important for applying to canadian schools AT ALL. in fact, basically nobody does them unless they happen to be applying to american schools as well. so don’t fret!</p>

<p>yeah. my exbf said that McGill actually states that taking an english proficiency test is MUCH more important to them than an SAT test.
i don’t know why they ask for it if they don’t care about it. TT^TT</p>

<p>I have a friend who lives in Montreal that’s dying for me to apply to Mcgill. She’s applying herself and says that they pay far more attention to grades than SATs. Even more so than US schools. </p>

<p>Your GPA is great. I think you’ve got a shot.</p>