Do I have to send bad subject test scores?

I am taking the US history subject test next week and have not had much time to prepare for it, so I am not feeling to good about it as of now. So, I was wondering if I do poorly on an SAT Subject Test do i have to send my score in to colleges when I am applying?

Nope. I didn’t send mine. When sending scores, you have a selection of what scores you send to which colleges.

As to whether a college requires all SAT subject tests, see this thread Four colleges, Georgetown, Cornell, Harvey Mudd, and Carnegoie Mellon, require all subject test scores. You are currently safe anywhere else in sending ones you want to send except with one caveat: many high schools put all your scores on the offical transcript sent to colleges to which you apply, and thus you need to check what your high school does because withholding scores when sending scores through College Board will not accomplish preventing the college from having the scores. Also, the college rules tend to change and thus you need to check colleges come fall before you apply to see what is required – however, the change that has most often occurred in the past is for one of the colleges to drop any all scores rule that it has rather than for a college to add one.