Do I have to take the permit test again to renew my permit (N.C)?

I live in North Carolina and I’m 21, and I have been practicing on and off to learn how to drive. And I want to get more serious about my driving so I can go ahead and get my license, I know the rules of the road I just waited so long to drive. But I believe that I’m okay since I’m 21, do I even still need a permit to go take my drivers test? thank you.

@Dukefan500 When did it expire? The NCDMV gave a five month, one time extension if your permit expires between March 1st 2020 and August 1st 2020 because of suspended road tests due to covid.

it expired in January, so Do I have time to get it renewed?

It expired in January, but I saw that you have up until a year to renew it after it expired. So I don’t know if I can or not actually.

The NC DMV website should have all the information you need.

Can you renew your permit in North Carolina without having to take the permit test again?

If it expired in January and you have a year to renew it, what makes you think you can’t renew it? Have you tried going to your state DMV website to look up the steps to renew it? Maybe it’s something you can do online. Have you tried calling or emailing the DMV? If you can’t find the information on their website they should be able to help you.