Do I have to worry?

<p>I failed Pre-calculus in 11th grade with a D first semester and an F second semester.I never bothered retaking the class instead I took AP Statistics&Probabilities in my current senior year. I passed first semester with a 76% (C).I meet the math requirements right?</p>

<p>I’m a bit on edge because I still haven’t heard from CSUF which “was” my back up school.All of my friends have gotten in (like SFSU, Chico State,Pomona) without sending in test scores or transcripts (some of them have a lower GPA then me).Yet i’m still waiting and Fullerton started notifying people about admissions on the 1st of Jan (rolling basis).Which basically has me petrified about the UCs, I mean I do meet the basic requirements right?!?!?!</p>

<p>My math history:</p>

<p>8th grade-Algebra I (passed)
9th grade-Geometry (passed)
10th grade-Algebra II (passed)
11th grade-Pre-calc (failed)
12th grade-AP Stats (passed 1st semester,should pass 2nd)</p>

<p>I applied to Merced,Riverside,and Santa Cruz:</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.42
SAT: 1620 (CR: 580) (M:490) (W:550)
CA Resident
Asian Male</p>

<p>I basically want to know if my D and F last year screwed me or is screwing me up.=[</p>

<p>Um, to be eligible for UC you must pass your classes with a C or better... F and D probably won't do. Sorry dude. UC Merced MAY consider it but I doubt it.</p>

<p>You're slightly screwed, dear.</p>

<p>OoPurestOo where does it say that?</p>

<p>It doesn't make sense, because lets use another example:Someone got an F in a class but still had a 4.0GPA because they took a bunch of AP classes,is that person disqualified even though his GPA is higher than most people???</p>

<p>the ONLY math requirement for the UCs and Cal State is passing Algebra II, so you are eligible for admission to a UC. The Junior year F will not help, however.</p>

<p>You're eligible, but that D and F really hurts you. </p>

Someone got an F in a class but still had a 4.0GPA because they took a bunch of AP classes,is that person disqualified even though his GPA is higher than most people???


<p>Yes, assuming the course s/he failed in was either in Algebra, Algebra II, or geometry.</p>

<p>You're eligible, but that D and F really hurts you. </p>

Someone got an F in a class but still had a 4.0GPA because they took a bunch of AP classes,is that person disqualified even though his GPA is higher than most people???


<p>Yes, assuming the course s/he failed in was either in Algebra, Algebra II, or geometry. By a similar story, a student could take easy classes to get a high GPA, but still be ineligible since those courses do not meet the standards and requirements.</p>

<p>Jslee812: I'm not 100% familiar with eligibility for UCs but I do know that for your A-G courses you take Sophomore year must be with a C or better. There were always MAYBE exceptions. The only one I knew of I think I posted on one of your threads before. A guy with a D got into UC Davis because he had a 36 ACT score, but got rejected from the most of em.</p>

<p>BirdKiller my friend got an F in AP Art History her junior year but her UC GPA still came out to be like something 4.1...i'm kind of in the same boat except my GPA is much lower and I happened to fail a core class and she failed an elective(actually she was taking the class to fulfill her fine arts) but the principle concept still stands...if she is still eligible I should still be eligible...</p>

<p>Yeah i hear that too OoPurestOo...I just want to know if still have a chance at the campuses I applied to...I mean i'm still waiting for replies from my CAL States so its kind of disheartening especially since my GPA is higher than their admitted students.</p>

<p>Can't you retake the course at a CC? CC courses are much faster than their HS counterparts.
Also i think you should call the schools that u have applied to.</p>

<p>Okay, here are the UC a-g requirements:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>As I read your transcript, you satisfied the 3-year requirement with Algebra I (in the 8th grade... assuming your HS accepts it as equivalent), Geometry (9th grade), and Algebra II (10th grade). So when you failed pre-Calc, it was failing an a-g elective.</p>

<p>Assuming you've also taken two SAT II exams in different subject areas, you should be UC eligible. If UC keeps their promise of admission to all UC-eligible students, you should be offered admission to at least one UC campus (most likely Merced). Given the enrollment cutbacks this year, you may not want to count on more than one offer.</p>

<p>(I'm assuming you're not applying for a major that requires four years of math... say Engineering or CS.)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>^ No I applied as a PolySci major (Alternative:Sociology).And I did take the two subject tests....senior classes aren't factored in the a-g requirements(I took stats)?What about the 4th years of English.</p>

<p>Your senior year of English counts as a-g because, as you note, you need four years of English to fulfill the a-g requirements. You need three years of Math, and it looks like you fulfilled that by the end of your sophomore year (because you took Algebra I in the 8th grade). Yes, your Stats course counts as an a-g course, but it's an a-g elective (because you've already met the a-g math requirement).</p>

<p>As others have noted, your D and F in pre-calc will certainly hurt you in the UC <em>selection</em> process... but it looks like you've met the UC <em>eligibility</em> requirement. Assuming the UC keeps its "at least one offer for every UC-eligible applicant" promise, you should be offered admission at at least one campus.</p>

<p>To enroll at the UC, you will need to fulfill the conditions for your senior year (e.g., B average, no D's or F's) and, of course, complete any required a-g courses (e.g., fourth year of English).</p>

<p>In a normal year, I'd say you'd have a fairly good shot at Riverside and maybe Santa Cruz... but this may not be a normal year.</p>

<p>It is admirable that you are motivated to get into a UC even if it is Merced. MaMoose'e analyses should give you hope. You might have applied to more than one CSU though. However, you could still go to community collgege and get better grades before transferring to a UC.</p>

<p>Pinkfeather is right... and if you'd like to have a CSU as a safety, you might check CSUMentor for a non-impacted campus that's still accepting applications... you might find one that's a good fit for you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response and answers guy...yeah i understand my situation is pretty bleak given the hard economic times and my crappy grades but i'm still holding out for Santa Cruz:</p>

<p>Fall 2008 Profile
3.30-3.69: 80.6%
CR 500-590:72.8%
M 400-490:57.1%
W 500-590:69.9%
A-G Courses Completed 40-49 72.6%
Honors Courses Completed 15+ 88.6%</p>

<p>From a statistical standpoint I'm above 50% in all the categories for people with the same stats as me who got in 2008</p>

<p>You may have a good shot at becoming a Slug, jslee... it's just hard to estimate the impact of the enrollment cuts (UCSC is supposed to reduce freshman enrollment by 335).</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>