<p>Yeah, I'd say there's a good chance you wouldn't get into any of them. You probably should just add one or two more schools (either low matches or safeties) that you would be happy attending.</p>
<p>I think you have a decent shot at getting into a couple of the schools listed, but I'm not fluent in chancing. I don't know too much about a couple of the schools, but the ones I do know about.. they are mostly reaches.</p>
<p>I mean, you listed 10 schools.. I think you could probably just add two schools without it being much of a problem. If a problem does arise, you could probably just cut one off and add a safety. Just find a school that you have a really good shot at getting accepted.</p>
<p>.. I don't think what you're describing is too problematic. Maybe the lack of extracurriculars?</p>
<p>Yes, you have too many reaches. All of these schools are either reaches or high matches. You should eliminate a couple of these and add at least three more schools in the match-safety realm. Think Skidmore, Union, Conn College, etc.</p>
<p>I agree, good choice of some very fine universities. Truthfully, I would say there is a chance that you won't get into any of them. Safeties are necessary.</p>
<p>i concur with everyone above me, at least find some matches :) idk what your prospective major is but look into schools in boston (BC, BU, etc), maybe tufts, if you like illinois then maybe uillinois? and penn has a lot of schools as well </p>