Do I need a break?

<p>I'm a second year engineering student and all has been well up till this point. I've been motivated and on top of my game with a very high GPA. I won't go into the details but I've started having some personal issues that have completely consumed me. I can't focus on school at all nor do I have the drive to right now. I'd like some opinions on whether I should take a semester off to clear my head and work out these problems. My fear on the one side is, is that I lose momentum in finishing my education and have to come back in 4 months and play catch up. My other fear is that if I try to stick it out, that I'll waist my time and money on taking these classes just to fail them and have to take them later anyway. I'm not hungry, I'm depressed and just don't know what to do. Help.</p>

<p>If you are just starting your 2nd year, then you probably have some general education courses to take. If you don’t want to totally take off, why not take a reduced load with a social science and humanities course (assuming that it does not violate financial aid and/or dorm residence)?</p>