I am in my last year of high school (grade 12) and have decided that I want to go into the faculty of engineering.
In grade 10 and 11, I completed grade 11 pre-calculus with a 98% and grade 12 pre-calculus with a 93%. This year, I have the choice of taking Calculus AB. Usually, in order to take AP Calculus, one would have to be in the Honours/AP math stream, which I am not (they would have already taken Intro to Calculus which is a lead-up into Calculus AB). However, I have talked to the mathematics program leader at my school and she has given me permission to take Calculus AB based on my strong work ethic and high marks in my previous math courses. Another option is to take the Intro to Calculus course.
Regardless, I think having previous exposure to university level calculus will be very beneficial, especially because I want to go into engineering. Also, if I score well on the AP exam, I could use it has a university credit. In the end, I just want to be well prepared for university level math. So my question is, do you think it will be worthwhile to take Calculus AB?
Thanks! All advice is very much appreciated!