<li>I have been up to Berkeley for just a day. Kinda looked around, but I really didn’t mind the walking.</li>
<li>If I do bring my car, I plan to keep it in storage most of the year, only using it maybe twice or four times a month (to drive to other cities, or back down to SoCal).<br></li>
<li>I’d rather not pay my car insurance anymore.</li>
<p>So, with that in mind, do I need my car? How many of you brought your car up, and put it in storage? Would I want to be restricted to only the places I can reach via BART? And how far is the nearest airport?</p>
<p>EDIT: Oh, forgot to add: I tend to stay out late (i.e. 3 or 4 in the morning) when I go out, so what time does public transportation stop, in and out of, and around the city?</p>
<p>EDIT 2: And yes, I’ve read the other threads about the same topic, but I have some questions that weren’t answered in there.</p>
<p>EDIT 3: I won’t be living in the dorms, but I won’t have a parking space either. I was planning on getting that F permit thing from the DMV.</p>