Do I need to ED2?

Do I need ED2? I’m panickingggg!!!

USC is my dream school like I’d give anythinggggg to go there it has every opportunity I need to pursue the career I want for myself but I just don’t know if its worth risking rejection from BU…

My main concern is because I have taken no business classes or ecs and I’m applying to business schools. Also still in precalc.

White Male

Stats: 3.87 uw / 4.17 w, 1460 SAT

5 AP classes, one self study - 3 in Chem and 5 in World history and apush. I’m taking the other 3 this year


  • Starbucks job 20 hours a week since 10th grade
  • Snowboarding 12 hrs a werk 12 wk/yr 9-12
  • Made my own clothing to donate to homeless people for community service 12th grade 50 hours
  • 2/hr wk on art projects 9-12
  • Leadership position in social justice club, organized fundraisers 10-11

My personal statement is about surviving a toxic environment, I think it’s pretty well written

I really can’t imagine myself anywhere else except BU, USC, Emory, NYU Stern, or Northeastern, and seeing all these people with much better stats than me getting rejected to all 5 absolutely terrifies me, like everything I’ve gone through won’t pay off. Is it worth the risk to try and get into USC? I truly think these 5 schools are my best options career wise and I think I will be much worse off at my other options

Please comment with what you think, I’m honestly so lost right now

Not sure where to begin … so, you know these are all reach schools for you based on your stats alone, correct ? That said, admissions departments are GIVEN very specific “institutional goals” which are not revealed to applicants each admission cycle. Given the current environment, you can assume what some of those may be and unfortunately MOST qualities are out of your control. Are you a 1st gen student for instance ? Any other boxes checked ? What is your financial situation in relation to the ED2 binding commitment? Bottom line is “who knows” what may happen at the schools you mentioned but if you have not done so already, expand your list for safety & sanity :slight_smile: Realize there are SO many schools that will provide a brilliant environment to pursue your dreams. Try not to get fixated on the “where” you end up going but instead what you DO while there. Focus on what you can control to be happy & build your future ! Enjoy …

I can’t chance you, but agree that all these school are reaches based on the info presented.

I wouldn’t ED2 unless it is your clear first choice (doesn’t seem to be) and it’s affordable per the school’s net price calculator. Is it?

Have you applied to a handful of match schools? Do you have at least one affordable safety?

Generally speaking no one needs to apply ED2 anywhere. However, if you actually want to attend university in September, then you NEED to consider your budget, and you NEED to apply to safeties.

What is your budget? Have you run the NPCs on the schools that you have applied to?

What are your safeties?

Without asking a number of qualifying questions, I think you are in range for BU and Northeastern - neither are safe. Taking business classes would not be my greatest worry. Lot’s of college business majors do not take business classes in high school, while some do. I think holding a 20 hour per week job at Starbucks for almost 2 years is an amazing accomplishment (and is business btw). USC, Emory, NYU - those are reaches. I think if you go ED2 to BU, you get in. I think if you go ED2 to USC, you likely do not. I think you will go 1 for 2 between BU and NU if you apply regular decision. Good luck!