Do I need to take 3 years of math in high school?

I am a high school junior who is in Math 3. I’m considering dropping the class because I’ve always been bad at math and I learned practically nothing in my sophomore year math class due to online school and bad teachers. I’m already struggling with the homework I’ve received despite it being review from sophomore year. Is it worth it to drop the class? I’m planning to go to community college for my first two years of college and then transfer to a university (preferably one in the UK.) Do I have to take 3 years of math to get into universities? Or can I drop the class and still get into a good or decent university because I will be taking math in college? I’m not sure if universities would count community college math classes as a third year of math. Plus, I most likely will not be majoring in anything that involves math because I dislike it and I know I’m not good at it. I’m really not sure what to do and I’m running out of time to remove the class from my schedule.

What is the math requirement for graduation at your school? What is the highest level math that your school offers.

Depending on where you are applying, not having a minimum of 3 years of math will definitely hurt you.


Many colleges have a graduation requirement that requires a math or math-based course that requires intermediate algebra / algebra 2 / integrated math 3 as a prerequisite.

Meaning, if you do not take it in high school, you are more likely to need to take it in college.

Don’t drop it. I would think it would be a requirement for high school graduation. You need 4 high school credits of math where we are in North Carolina. Just looked it up and only 12 states let you graduate with only 2 credits of math. Most states require 3 or 4 math classes for graduation and most colleges want to see 4.

My senior hates math too and is also looking at UK universities. A few of them take an Associates degree from Community College but most of them want AP test scores and your SAT or ACT scores.

You will have to take math in Community College too and it will make it harder for you if you don’t have Math III. My oldest is in Community College taking math (quantitative literacy) right now (also hates math) and reports that it is a review of 8th grade and high school math.

You can get through Math III. Reach out to your teacher and tell them that online school did not go well for you. They may be able to help you. Use resources like Khan Academy and PurpleMath, too.

Next year you might be able to skip math (not sure), but you can probably take Math IV (not pre-Calc) if not. It’s not too hard.

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The graduation requirement is 2 years of math. I believe the highest math level classes are Precalculus and AP Calculus.

My state only requires 2 years of math, so I would be able to graduate without a 3rd year. Thank you for the feedback! I will talk to my teacher about it.

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if the highest e level of math at your school is pre-calc and AP clac. Having only 2 years of math is definitely going to hurt. I would check to make sure that you can get into your state flagship with only 2 years of math. You are probably taking any competitive schools off of the table.

your best bet would be to look at some of the colleges that you are considering and see for yourself what their recommended (required) course work is for admissions.

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