Do I qualify for UA Honors?


2 APs: Eng Lang-5, Calc AB- 4/5 (Predicted scores. It is most certainly I will get those scores) -> school does not have a lot of APs
APs next year: Bio, Calc BC, Lit, Chem
SAT: 2150 (m:740, w:740 essay 11, cr: 670)
GPA: 3.9 (uw), 4.3(w)
Rank: 9th out of 289
Extracurricular: NHS (Treasurer), Green Club (Treasurer), French Club (Treasurer), Academic Decathlon, Calculus Club, Interact Club (President)
Volunteer: Library, Teacher Aide, Math Tutor
Awards: Academic Decathlon Super Quiz 3rd place. Finalists in 2012, 2013 County Math Competition, RYLA, HOBY Runner Up</p>

<p>I will be attending a 7 week internship at U of A for my field, biomedical engineering this summer. </p>

<p>So in or no? I heard it’s really hard to get accepted and I really want to be part of the honor college. I heard so many good things about it</p>

<p>*****Also, what scholarships would I qualify and by your prediction, roughly how much would I get? As in merit scholarships (ex: wildcat award)</p>

<p>Honors-I’d say in!</p>

<p>Scholarship-The easiest way is a NMF scholarship? Are you projected as one? If not, are you OOS? If so the going for a full ride scholarship might be tough. Another factor is your internship. Wow the powers to be and maybe they can pull some strings. GL</p>

<p>Sadly I’m not a NMF. I got a 204. So I’d be commended the least.</p>

<p>I’m not really looking for a full ride. Maybe like 8k per year? 6k? 4k?</p>

<p>I don’t know for sure but I’d like to think that they’re smart enough to give good students a partial scholarship. GL</p>

<p>I am Asian too - Malaysia. International, but HS in US right now. </p>

<p>SAT - 1880. Only taken once.
GPA (UW) - 3.8 - I’m estimating.
Taking AP stat and AP French right now.
Pretty good essay for the Honors.
I’m applying by November 1st, since it’s first come first serve.
A little involved in ECs and leadership. </p>

<p>Oh darn, now that I look at my stat, they aren’t great.
First off, think I’ll get into UA first? I mean, if I don’t get into Honors at first, I could still send in my scores later on. </p>

<p>So? :)</p>