Do i really need facebook?

<p>I use aim instant messaging and gmail, Do i really need facebook? I know like 99% of college students have one, do I need one?</p>

<p>Considering many people in the world don’t even have computers or internet access, I’d say you don’t “need” it.</p>

<p>Do you need air?</p>

<p>lol jk, you really don’t need a facebook. Colleges have survived generations without it.</p>

<p>It helps keep up with friends and such. I say make one for the heck of it.</p>



<p>10 char</p>

<p>10 charmander</p>

<p>Even though facebook is completely addicting, you do need it. Just because you like to use email for communication doesn’t mean that 90% of the others do. It’s really annoying when I can Fbook message all my friends except one. Trust me, you don’t want to be that one person still stuck in the 20th century.</p>

<p>do you need one? no…</p>

<p>a lot of things around colleges are advertised over facebook though, like different events and such.</p>

<p>Yes. Sure, it’s fine to befriend people normally–but communication as a whole is easier with it (esp. with non-close friends.)</p>


<p>sure, you don’t need it, but it’s certainly helpful for lots of things. unless you have a compelling reason not to have one, why not?</p>

<p>Yea, why not have it? It can’t hurt. You don’t have to be on it every day. If somebody sends you a message on facebook, it’ll send you an email about it, so you don’t have to check it constantly. </p>

<p>And yes, a lot of events get advertised through facebook. You might miss out if you’re not on it.</p>

<p>Good point, ken285.</p>

<p>You don’t need it, but it will make your life easier. Honestly, the best thing about Facebook IMO is it helped me remember names of people when I was a first year.</p>

<p>This is the same as asking if you need a cell phone. Strictly speaking, you don’t need one. But in today’s world, it is extremely useful and virtually everyone else will have one.</p>


I don’t have a cell phone. =/</p>

<p>My life would be extremely difficult without a cell phone. I’m not sure how someone can get by without one. 10 or 15 years ago, yes, it wouldn’t be a big deal. The year 2008, it can be very hard without one.</p>


Well, I’m a very…hard person. =0</p>


Innuendo? I think so!</p>