Do I stand a chance?

<p>Please be honest.</p>

<p>My school does not calculate GPA, but my cumulative numeric average is an 87.3.
Only thing is, i tried to transfer that to GPA myself just to check what it would be and i ended up with like a 3.1.. which is bad, I know, because I've gotten a lot of 88 and 89s.</p>

<p>But yeah, anyway, 87.3 is what was on my transcript.
I made one F.. in math, last year, after i transferred schools because I was sooo behind and couldn't catch up with my new school, and i did explain that on the application, but i still dont know if theyll hold it against me.</p>

<p>On the plus side, I made an 85 in math last semester, along with the best grades i've made in all of high school (and yes, i sent those first-semester senior year grades).</p>

<p>SAT: 2230/2400</p>

<p>EC: Environmental Action Club, Spanish National Honor Society, Spanish Club Vice President, 9th grade Basketball Cheerleading, Varsity Fencing, community soccer team (but each of those were around one year each, nothing major)</p>

<p>i have taken mostly all honors and AP classes, everything available at my school really.</p>

<p>What do you think, honestly? What worries me are my grades..
I'd rather hear an honest opinion, even if its disappointing, rather than a lie to make me feel better.</p>

<p>Let me know! I'm panicking every day until April 1, haha.</p>

<p>I’d say you’re in. Congrats on that SAT score. Good stuff. An 87.3 average isn’t that bad either man…</p>

<p>what’s your UGA gpa??? (only including core classes)</p>