do i take bio 1B or 1a first?

<p>hey i have heard that i should take bio1B first before 1A is that true? easier? anyone done it before? that would mean i would be taking it in the same semester as chem 1A</p>

<p>Usually people take 1B first because 1A requires you to have taken or be concurently enrolled in Chem 3A or Chem 112A. I also hear that 1A/1AL is much harder than 1B.</p>

<p>lol ok....picking classes is like a</p>

<p>agreed. then the hassle of telebears makes is even more puzzle-ish</p>

<p>i still have never went through the telebears first year...spring admit
but i cant wait! (said with sarcasim) :D</p>