<p>Honors Chem
Honors English
Algebra 2 trig (not honors :((( b/c its all full and they cant put me in)
Ap Euro
<p>even if i got all A's which would be 4.5 gpa </p>
<p>they probably wnt even accept me cuz of one regular class which is my math right?</p>
<p>In my junior year my counselor told my they'll surely put me in honors pre calc will that make up for everything just for the one regular class?</p>
<p>Of course you still have a chance. Ivy leagues aren’t just looking for somebody with a perfect schedule. Compared to your essay, unweighted GPA, SAT scores, extracurriculars, etc. it’s hardly important. This is not to say that you should take only easy classes but instead take the workload that is right for you and don’t worry about what colleges think about every move you make in high school. Just try to relax. :)</p>
<p>Correct, one regular class automatically kills any chance of getting into the Ivy League. There was an instance where a famous teenage detective was rejected because he took regular English during his sophomore year. </p>
<p>He did manage to get into NYU, though. His name? Hattori Heiji.</p>
<p>OP, you are not sunk. Yet. No one even knows what colleges, your major, the rigor of your school or the rest of your “picture.” If there’s a sched conflict (less an important issue in soph year,) you put one line in Addl Info. You make sure the rest of your app pkg conveys all the compelling reasons adcoms should consider you. Including getting gpa up.</p>
<p>I think you’re over-analyzing this. I’m not an admissions officer, but I don’t think one regular class will hurt your chances. Schools consider your course load in relation to how your school works. You could just write one line in your apps stating why you couldn’t take honors math if you’re that worried. If it makes you feel better, my school doesn’t offer honors or AP classes, but a top 20 school still accepted me. Remember, schools take your whole situation into context.</p>