Do letters of rec. need to be sealed?

<p>My son asked for and received 2 letters of rec from a teacher and his gc.They came back sealed. Do I need to submit them sealed? I was hoping to make copies for other scholarship apps. </p>

<p>The honors program and scholarship he is sending these to do not specify that the letters be sealed. When he got letters for becoming an Eagle Scout they made a point of saying the letters needed to be sealed. </p>

<p>Of course we are at a deadline and no time to check in with the school to ask.</p>

<p>I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, we are first timers with all this stuff :)

<p>Yes, letters of recommendations do need to be sealed. That ensures that they were legitimate and also, it makes what the recommenders say more credible. </p>

<p>If you need more copies for further scholarships, you simply ask the recommender for more copies.</p>

<p>lol, my teacher gave me two copies of the rec, envelopes, and was like, “Do what you gotta do.”</p>