Do not click this button. (If you do, though, chance me and I'll chance you back!)

<p>NOTE: Sorry for the double thread. I realized I left out some key information, so I guess this is easiest to fix it.</p>

<p>Anyways, so I was rejected to Cornell CAS, so I'm at both a loss of words and a loss of actions.</p>

<p>Age: 16
Region: Eastern Washington
School: Fifth best in city academically, sadly. Top three are on the top 1500 schools or whatever.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.77 UW
Rigor: 9 (out of 10) AP Classes
Class Rank: 46/440 (school doesn't weight classes)
SAT: 2150 (770M, 690CR, 690W); retook in December, pretty confident I got 2300+, but definitely not sure
SAT II's: 800 Math I, 750 Math II, 700 US History, 680 Biology-E
AP's: US History-5, Biology-4, Calculus AB-4, English Language-4, Physics C: Mechanics-2 (won't report)</p>

- Violin w/ 4 silver medals in Musicfest Northwest, 3 Superior ratings in EWMEA Festival, 2 state alternate placings, and 2 superior ratings as a group chamber orchestra at EWMEA. Concertmaster of school chamber orchestra (honors in a sense), principal second violin of city youth orchestra, and I play at churches, weddings, and balls
- Journalist for local newspaper, primarily sports and Arts/Entertainment. Published four articles since September 2008; one article won 2nd place at the EWU Journalism Day Competition
- Captain of Varsity Knowledge Bowl team; tied for 1st in League; 2nd Place at Regionals, 6th Place at State
- Varsity Track and Field, primarily sprints and hurdles
- National Merit Commended Scholar
- AP Scholar w/ Merit
- DECA (third place at regional competition)
- Mock Political Convention Board Member
- JV Cross Country
- Muggle Quidditch team captain
- City Youth Commission Board Member (do a LOT of volunteer stuff with this)
- Key Club Board Member (some more volunteer stuff)
- Hospital volunteer (four hours a week)
- Chinese Association volunteer
- Lifeguard/First Aid/CPR trained
- Materials Science camp participant (worked with Boeing engineers on 787 Dreamliner wing parts)</p>

I thought my essays to Cornell were good, but maybe not.</p>

1 good, counselor's is decent, and the other one idk</p>

<p>Chances to:
- Ivies (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn)
- Georgetown
- Duke
- Harvey Mudd
- Pomona
- Carleton
- University of Chicago
- Reed
- Northwestern
- Johns Hopkins
- Carnegie Mellon
- University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1)
- University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1)</p>

<p>“Muggle Quidditch team captain”?</p>

<p>Ivies: more competitive than ever, this is a very high reach (and it is for EVERYONE, so don’t get discouraged) unlikely, but possible, especially for one or two of them. </p>

<p>Mid-range schools: You definitely have a good to great chance at all of these, but with admission as it is, it’s always hard to tell. Most likely at many of these though. =]</p>

<p>Universities: Seems almost definite with your great EC’s and SAT II scores</p>

<p>Good Luck, I think you have a great shot! =]</p>

<p>Ivies- Obviously a reach. They are for everyone
Georgetown- low reach (just because they got so many applicants this year.
Duke- reach
Harvey Mudd- high match/low reach
Pomona- reach
Carleton- high match/low reach
University of Chicago- high match
Reed- match
Northwestern- high match
Johns Hopkins- high match/low reach
Carnegie Mellon- match
University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1)- match
University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1)- high match</p>

<p>chance me back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks college 3231 and almosc90!!</p>

<p>@aabbcc1789: Yeah, we play some Muggle Quidditch in my city. It’s not a school team or anything, just for fun. It probably won’t help my app at all, but you know, why not? lol</p>

<p>Well, colleges look for more diverse people. And that my sir, is nothing less than diverse.</p>

<p>This is the first time I’ve heard quidditch out of a movie or book. How exactly do you play it without flying brooms and flying balls</p>

<p>It’s pretty big in colleges; youtube “Muggle Quidditch” and you’ll get some neat videos. CBS Sportsline even featured it once.</p>

<p>Anyone else please with chances?</p>

<p>just apply to hogwarts and be done with it, quidditch boy</p>

<p>OK first of all…
colleges don’t consider AP scores when they review your application.</p>

<p>Also…many of those schools seem to be common app schools.
you seriously need to cut down your ECs to stuff that shows ur passions and dedication.
that just looks like an eye sore, sorry dude!
for example, take out nonsense stuff like…

  • JV Cross Country (ur already on VARSITY sport, so why put JV?)
  • Muggle Quidditch team captain (???)</p>

<li>Ivies (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn): Never a sure thing; High reach</li>
<li>Georgetown: Reach, really high match</li>
<li>Duke: High match</li>
<li>Harvey Mudd: Don’t know too much about this school</li>
<li>Pomona: </li>
<li>University of Chicago: Reach</li>
<li>Reed: Low reach</li>
<li>Northwestern: High match</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins: High Match</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon: High Match</li>
<li>University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1): Match </li>
<li>University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1): Match</li>

<p>+5 for quidditch</p>

<p>Thanks for chancing me; returning the favor.</p>

<li>Ivies (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn) - Always reaches, imo. Nevertheless, good luck!</li>
<li>Georgetown - High Match</li>
<li>Duke - High Match</li>
<li>Harvey Mudd</li>
<li>Pomona - Match</li>
<li>University of Chicago - Low Reach</li>
<li>Northwestern - Match</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins - Match</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon - Match</li>
<li>University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1) - Match</li>
<li>University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1) - Definite Match</li>

<p>Ivies- Slightly above average candidate so better than 10% crapshoot odds if you get that 2300+ and channel your EC’s, probably get in a couple then

  • Georgetown - High Match
  • Duke - High Match
  • Harvey Mudd- Match
  • Pomona - Match
  • Carleton- High Match
  • University of Chicago - Low Reach (Essay=Golden Ticket)
  • Reed- Low Match
  • Northwestern - High Match
  • Johns Hopkins - High Match
  • Carnegie Mellon - Match
  • University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1) - Match
  • University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1) - Low Match</p>

<li>Ivies (Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn) - reach since these seem like a bunch of randomness</li>
<li>Georgetown - reach</li>
<li>Duke - reach</li>
<li>Harvey Mudd - don’t know much about this school</li>
<li>Pomona - don’t know much about this school</li>
<li>Carleton - don’t know much about this school</li>
<li>University of Chicago - low reach</li>
<li>Reed - don’t know much about this school</li>
<li>Northwestern - low reach</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins - high match</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon - high match</li>
<li>University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1) - don’t know much about this school</li>
<li>University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1) - don’t know much about this school</li>

<p>Thanks to all who’ve responded!! Anyone else?</p>

<p>Ivies- All reaches but have a decent shot
Georgetown and Duke- Low Reach
Harvey Mud- Low Reach
Northwestern- Match
Hopkins- Match
Mellon- Low Match</p>

<p>Don’t know about the rest</p>

<p>Ivies- depends on whether your adcom got his/her coffee that morning or not :slight_smile: reach for everyone
Georgetown- high match
Duke- reach
Harvey Mudd- low reach
Pomona- low reach
Carleton- low reach
University of Chicago- high match
Reed- match
Northwestern- low reach
Johns Hopkins- low reach
Carnegie Mellon- high match
University of Washington (Applied Honors by Dec 1)- match
University of Southern California (Applied by Dec 1)- mid to high match</p>

<p>Chance me ? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks to all who posted! anyone else?</p>

<p>Anyone else? Thanks!</p>