Do Not Get Discouraged

Well, it is that time of year again. The EA apps are in and now we are all waiting to hear if our children are accepted, deferred, or rejected. Most of the time in the EA process the decisions are either accepted or deferred.

Looking back at the past few years on the BING threads, it seems as though many qualified applicants with great gpa’s and test scores are deferred. I am not sure if it is the admissions dept just being overwhelmed by apps and they cannot keep up and give all of the apps a good look, but lets just say that I have seen a lot of apps deferred that should be slam dunks.

I have instilled this into my son’s head over the past year. My son applied to the school of management and I have seen in state kids being deferred with 31 ACT scores and 1380 SAT scores. Eventually, most of these students get in a few weeks or months later. OOS students have it a bit easier. You will see a in state student deferred with a 31 act but the OOS student accepted with the 28 ACT. That is just how the game is played. However, that is the case with a lot of schools. They want the extra bucks and the prestige of saying “We have students from all 50 states attend” Eventually it all works out because most of the 34-36 ACT or 1500-1600 SAT students are using Bing as a safety school so once the school looks at the yield, the 30-32 ACT student usually gets an offer for the SOM.

It seems to me that BING just picks off the tippy top students in the first round and then they see who will be attending.When I say tippy top, I mean act scores of 33 to 36. SAT scores of 1475-1600. Do not get me wrong, there are some cases where the 29 ACT student gets in but in most cases, it seems as though they are looking at the really high scores.

Of course, this goes for the SOM, Decker, and Watson. Harpur is less competitive, but I have seen students from Harpur deferred with a 30 or 31 ACT score.

The moral of the story is just hang in there. Look at the previous years thread, or even a few years back and you will see a trend. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED!! I know that is easier said than done, but if you have really good stats and get deferred just relax and know that chances are that you will get accepted within a few months.

This is a good post! You’re right, every year it is the same thing. Everyone would love to get into Bing because of its amazing value, but then seem surprised when there are thousands upon thousands of other applicants who all want the same thing. At some point, something’s gotta give, and that something might just be every person getting an immediate answer. Relax and be patient!

Great post. Thanks.