Do Parents Tip the Move In Helpers?

<p>and if yes, is there a standard amount?</p>

<p>“Individuals are likely to make a few tips as this is typical among parents moving in.”</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>I would imagine the amount would depend on how much each helper had to do.</p>

<p>I guess you would tip them what you would tip a valet or bellhop. They are going to be performing similar duties.</p>

<p>Depending on who the helper is in some cases it might be odd to tip. Some of the move in helpers are recruited through TUARA – the University of Alabama Retirees Association. Current administrators also help. A retired prof or the head of the alumni association might look at you kind of strangely if you try to tip – I am sure that they would just graciously turn down your tip in that case, however.</p>

<p>UA could have ‘tip jars’ or cans set up somewhere at the drop-off points. That way, you just put your $ in there (optional, of course), and all of the organisations involved split the tips later. Is that tacky? Up North, this is a common thing (tip jars) wherever volunteers are involved, and takes the awkwardness out of it.</p>

<p>As one who often helps with move-in, tipping really depends on the family and their financial situation. I, along with most other students I know, would be happy to accept tips if offered and would put it towards dinner or school supplies. While student organizations do get paid for each volunteer, I have and would continue to help with move-in without any financial incentives for me or my student organizations because I genuinely like helping people.</p>

<p>^^^You’re such a sweet kid, seatide.</p>

<p>The Orgns are getting paid a “share” depending how many workers/hours each has.</p>

<p>I prefer direct tipping so that those who put in “extra efforts” are rightfully tipped. </p>

<p>If the helper does what he’s supposed to do, then give a fair tip. If the helper goes beyond what’s expected, then give a bigger tip. :)</p>

<p>Since this program didn’t exist when my kids were in dorms, I don’t know how much effort each kid puts into helping each student. Therefore, I can’t say what is the “right amount”. If there are 5 volunteers helping one student move in and there’a bunch of stuff, then probably at least $5-10 per volunteer…depending on the amount of effort. Again, I don’t know how extensive the “helping” is, so my amounts may be “off”. I would come with a wallet full of $5s and 10s and then dole out as appropriate.</p>

<p>That sounds like good advice. When D moved in last year we didn’t touch anything until it was in her suite The volunteers were extremely polite and very diligent not to damage or forget anything in our vehicle. We discovered later that one of the helpers ended up being one of her professors.:)</p>

<p>I only asked because I rarely carry cash and would need to make sure I have the appropriate denominations. </p>

<p>feenotype - I have a husband and two strapping sons. We don’t use valets. :)</p>