Do some of you guys take the AP class for fun.

<p>There's are now so many AP classes like AP music theory and AP studio art and most of us aren't going to be artists or musicians yet they sound like an AP class that is really fun. Do some of you guys take some APs for the fun of it or is it cause you know what career and/or post secondary educationyou are going/planning to pursue. And how about people who don't know there future profession and college education how do they pick from th wide variety of AP classes.</p>

<p>I’m taking AP Environmental Science and AP Stats for fun. I’m taking AP Comp Gov and English Lit. for College Credits even though I get credit from AP English Lang.</p>

<p>And the workload from the APs prepares me for college. (:</p>

<p>I don’t think it as “fun.” It sounds “unfun” to me.</p>

<p>I don’t think I really took any actual AP class for “fun,” but I guess any self studying I did or will do is mostly for “fun.”</p>

<p>I took AP Chem for fun. I’m going into Physics and may never need Chemistry but it seems good to know and I have a lot of friends in the class. It’s actually my favorite class.</p>

<p>I took APAH as my elective this year since I like art. I liked AP Chem, but I didn’t take it as my fun, whee class last year.</p>

<p>I’m taking AP Eng. Lit even though I am taking a college comp class…I don’t plan on taking the test but I didn’t want to slack. The comp class (by state mandate) requires the school to let us have “off” or concurrent enrollment hours, so I only have five hours of school. This is a good thing for me because our class selection sucks, meaning pretty much the only class I have not taken is woodshop and I would have been put in it…bad idea. So yeah, I suppose you could say in a way I’m taking AP for fun. (btw it’s the only AP class offered at our school :confused: )</p>

<p>You’d have to be a super nerd to take APs for fun. o.o</p>

<p>Haha, thanks, esthetique. :P</p>

<p>Yes, I enjoy learning.</p>

<p>I think you’d have to be a super nerd to take APs not for fun but solely to get into college. That to me is the wrong reason. Sure, it’s a plus, but that’s not why I do it.
Possibly besides APUSH…</p>

<p>You’re welcome :slight_smile: And it’s okay, I’m in the same boat. LOL</p>

<p>I wouldn’t go so far as to say I take APs for fun, even my self-studies. I have an end goal in mind, whether it’s an advantage in admissions, placement credit, or just enrichment.</p>

<p>I’m taking AP Comp Sci and English Lit for fun, and neither are very difficult.</p>

<p>I don’t take any AP classes for just “fun”. When I choose my AP courses in my school, I pick the ones that I know I have an interest in and can do well in.</p>

<p>I take APs mainly for the admission process, but Calculus and Physics are nonetheless fun.</p>

<p>I only take AP exams in subjects I have at least some interest in. (I was interested in them at the start of the courses at any rate, lol.)</p>

<p>Like others have said the I’m taking the ones that I"m actually interested in. Last year AP World and this year Comparative Government, Macro/Micro all highly interest me, so I guess you could say they are for “fun”.</p>

<p>I take AP classes because I am interested in the subject and I hope what I have learned would broaden my knowledge and perspective.</p>

<p>Yes. I take AP Literature for fun. It makes AP Calculus less painful.</p>

<p>What would you consider a boring AP.</p>