Do statistics exist on how many people get each score annually on the ACT?

<p>I know if you go on the ACT's website you will fine percentile ranks at the national level, and average scores by state. But it is not helpful to me when I see the scores 33-36 all in the same percentile (99%). Are there record anywhere that actually show the exact number of people getting each scores at either a state or national level? Or is that confidential or too hard to record?</p>

<p>National and State Score breakdowns are posted here:
[2013</a> ACT National and State Scores | 2013 Condition of College and Career Readiness | ACT](<a href=“]2013”></p>

<p>The number of test takers is posted here: [Newsroom</a> | The ACT® Test | ACT](<a href=“]Newsroom”></p>

<p>Using the number of total test takers and the national and state percentiles, you can do the math to get to the rough actual numbers for each composite at a national and state level. Exact numbers are not posted.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There are similar reports by state. Google act profile 2013 state</p>

<p>It’s interesting to compare years. Change the 2013s to 2012s in URL to see 2012 report.</p>

<p>From 2012 to 2013 # of graduating senors who took the test (I think I read somewhere they use the highest single sitting in the report) increased by about 5%. But # of composite 36 scores jumped over 50% and 35 scores by over 30%. All the prep is having an effect.I predict test will be changed to include more really hard questions.</p>