<p>Seems like all the sections I am in, only 1-2 people talk a lot, and the rest seems a bit shy/uninterested in sharing their thoughts. I would imagine lots of talking with lively debates going back and forth...</p>
<p>In my Econ classes, no.</p>
<p>In (lower div) History, you have to.</p>
<p>ehhh. it depends. i hated my polisci2 section last semester; i seriously felt bad for my GSI because I felt like he was begging us weekly to talk, trying to drag some sort of thought/opinion out of us. sometimes section really does suck. but I think sometimes it also depends on whether the group of students have good chemistry. my IAS45 section was pretty good last year</p>
<p>it's also just the first week...it takes time to get used to new classes/people.</p>
<p>In my R&C class, yes, but only because the professor doesn't call on people who talked too much. And there was still this one girl who kept raising her hand and gave the worst ideas:</p>
<p>"R&C class, discussing a scene in which the WWII survivor Seymour teases 3-year-old Cyril by saying "I like your blue swimsuit" and Cyril responds with "no! My swimsuit is yellow!" and Seymour smiles and says "oh really? Is that so?"</p>
<p>Professor: Any comments?</p>
<p>Student: I think this scene shows that Seymour is colorblind. It's kind of like since WWII all the colors have been sucked out of his life and now he can only see black and white."</p>
<p>It's sad how a small portion of students can sometimes ruin the entire discussion for you.</p>
<p>In Fall Extension, since ALL the discussions are lead by the professors, they are SERIOUS.</p>
<p>Oh, I'm sorry, I'll post a politically correct version for the mods.</p>
<p>Berkeley accepts a lot of students. Not all of them can be expected to do the reading and actively participate, especially if it doesn't affect their grade directly.</p>