Do the algebra 1 grades taken in 8th grade get reported on UC application

My 8th grader has gotten B, C, C, and likely C for the last quarter in algebra 1. I understand this does not get listed on his high school transcript nor calculated in high school gpa (even though it is a high school level class), but is there a place on the UC common app for this to be known? If so, do the UCs want a copy of his middle school transcript? Or do we just enter the grades without school records? Thank you.

The UC application includes places to report 7th and 8th grade course work (as well as course work taken while in high school).

Frosh applicants to UCs self-report courses and grades on the application. These are verified by final transcripts for students who matriculate.

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All courses and grades on the UC application are self reported. Students send their transcripts at the end of senior year to validate that what they put on their application was correct.

The UC GPA is calculated using grades from courses taken the summer before 10th grade to the summer after 11th grade. A-G credit is given for math (Alg 1, Geom) and LOTE taken in junior high. There are instructions for how to enter those courses and grades on the application. Your 8th grader will receive credit for completing Algebra 1 if he puts it on his application but the grades will not be used to calculate his UC GPA.

From Filling out the application | UC Admissions

Here you’ll enter the courses and grades from all schools you’ve attended while in high school. If you took high school-level math or language other than English in middle school (7th and 8th grades), you will have a chance to report those courses and grades in this section.

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High-schools level coursework in math and foreign languages only and only if passed with a C or better

For HS math and foreign language courses taken in MS, the courses are listed on the application, but they do not need to appear on the transcript.

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Thank you, everyone, for your quick feedback, including helpful attachment of application/guide. In looking at that part of the application, am I understanding correctly that the course name only (not grade) taken in 7th/8th is to be entered? No space for grade to be entered?

I would suggest retaking Algebra 1 next year. I had As the first 3 quarters of Algebra 1 in 8th grade and then Covid hit and I fell apart (but saved by pass/fail grades. I honestly regret not retaking it in 9th. My GPA would probably be a lot better now. :confused:


Thank you so much for bringing that up! That is actually a bigger issue I’m dealing with - whether to retake it or do a summer refresher (e.g., Mission Academy). Thanks for piping in, much appreciate it!

Thank you for the guide!

Thank you for the information and link to application!

UCSB has several helpful videos.

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Just checked my son’s UC application from two years ago (have saved a pdf). The course names for work done in 7th and 8th grade are included but grades are NOT include. Grades are not included on the school transcript either, only a mention which courses were taken in MS. Seems the UCs do not care and do not check grades from MS

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That’s a relief, thank you for checking!