Do the colleges know what other schools you applied to?

<p>I was under the impression that colleges could access what other schools you applied to either thru the Collegeboard - (when you submit SAT scores), thru the Common Application data or Fasfa form. </p>

<p>Someone said that private schools that are in states where most of the kids go to there state school, such as Texas, CA, FL, NC, OH, are more likely to offer financial aid awards to their in state students to make it more enticing. Often the merit $ will be somprable to bringing the tuition in lin with the in-state tuition. </p>

<p>What do you think? </p>

<p>Or another example is if a student applied to all lower tuition schools and one full $50K school would the $50K be aware of the students obvious interest in more affordable choices?</p>

<p>I'm using this for financial comparisons but I wonder if the school just wants to see what other colleges are competing for this fabulous (or not so fabulous) student ? i.e. Johnnie is applying to all top tier A, city schools- from the data we retrieved- not by assumption- so maybe tier B in Siberia shouldn't bother offering him an acceptance...</p>


<p>nope they don’t unless you tell em</p>