<p>Hey - this is towards people who have or do attend NYU - I have heard that the homeless in the area give people problems. Any experiences with this or any comments?</p>
<p>I wouldn't worry about it. They don't really give any problems to NYU students. The city/NYPD has been pretty good with shipping the riff raff out of Washington Sq. Park and the general NYU area.</p>
<p>Thanks to Mayor Giuliani for his quality of life campaign, everything negative is shipped out of here.</p>
<p>Ummm....I have seen drunken homeless people shuffling around the square, and also a really creepy person kept staring at us and moving everytime we did. But it's the Big City...what do you expect. Nothing scary or anything, and always plenty of people around.</p>
<p>I believe that there is something a little ironic about this topic. Shouldn't we be more concerned about helping the homeless rather than them giving us problems? There are so many people in this nation, actually this whole world, that aren't as lucky as us. Not every one is granted an awesome education. Not every one has the support that we do. Not every one in this world has people that care for them as much as we do. Don't take what you have for granted. We are living other people's dreams. People in India, Africa, nations throughout this world have almost nothing. Think about helping others to at least have some food to eat when you see someone homeless on campus. You're lucky enough to be attending the university.</p>
<p>That's my two cents for ya. Remember that we're living a dream. It may not be yours, but for sure it is thousands of others'.</p>
<p>I was not asking because I am sheltered or worried because there are some undesirables in the city. I was asking because a family friend of ours told my mother, trying to scare her away from the idea of NYU, that the homeless are a problem and that they are so aggressive that if you look at them they will throw hot coffee on you. I was only asking to see if that kind of behavior is accurate or not because I am not from NYC. Sorry to offend or seem uncaring.</p>
<p>"the homeless are a problem and that they are so aggressive that if you look at them they will throw hot coffee on you."</p>
<p>haha, only in the movies. I'm from jersey and i've been in the city countless numbers of times and never have i EVER had a bad encounter with the homeless. btw i'll be attending nyu in the fall.</p>
<p>I don't think you have to apologize for offending...I'm thinking not too many homeless people are considering going to NYU. But in all seriousness, this is an internet forum, if someone cares for being PC, tell them to go somewhere else. </p>
<p>Rudy Guiliani was an awesome mayor, he cleaned up the NYU area of homeless when I was a student there.</p>
<p>haha - I'm sorry if that sounded funny or overexaggerated - he claimed that his mother made a glance at a homeless person and that happened to her - he made it sound so commonplace that i was concerned - also, do muggings happen all the time or is that overexaggerated too?</p>
<p>"also, do muggings happen all the time or is that overexaggerated too?"</p>
<p>Way overexaggerated. Not only does New York have one of the lowest crime rates among big cities in America, NYU is located in one of nicest and safest parts of New York.</p>
<p>nyu is located in the safest precinct in nyc.</p>
<p>well that is definetly good to know</p>
<p>Haha, thanks for clearing that up, chocoholic.</p>
<p>this whole thread is a joke</p>
<p>The only homeless people you really have to worry about are the NYU students who can't afford NYU and wind up living in the lower depths of the B. library. They may hit you up for a few bucks now and then.</p>
<p>I'd have to say the area that NYU is in, is very safe. I've visited NYU several times and I've never felt unsafe there. Also, I'm not a native ny-er, I grew up in a small town and go to boarding school in Connecticut. Of course there are other parts of New York City you want steer very clear of, but these are not where NYU is.</p>
<p>don't carry more than 20 bucks on you at a time, wrap your loose change up in tin foil so people can't hear it rattle, and do whatever it is they ask you.</p>
<p>NEVER ride the subway; always take a cab.</p>
<p>follow these rules and you'll be fine.</p>
<p>"don't carry more than 20 bucks on you at a time, wrap your loose change up in tin foil so people can't hear it rattle, and do whatever it is they ask you.</p>
<p>NEVER ride the subway; always take a cab.</p>
<p>follow these rules and you'll be fine."</p>
<p>hahahhaa--having visited the city with friends since i was 12, that has to be the funniest thing i've ever heard :D</p>
<p>whats wrong with the subway? I rode it all the time when I was in NY- I didn't have a problem with it or any of the people on it</p>
<p>lots of undesirables ride it if you know what i mean.</p>