<p>so i took english and physics to show 'diversity' or wtvr but now im wondering if i shouldv just stuck with something like chem, instead of english?
does the subject choice matter?
btw physics, 750 and english 700 (intl student so guess its ok :/</p>
<p>I think so. In an interview, an associate dean of admissions said that for international students (esp. China) math/phy/chem high/full score is the norm, so they think by taking literature / history one shows some edge/ability. I am not sure the exact words, but I am sure that lit/history helps. But of course, stick to your strength is the rule of thumb. Don’t go simply for an edge, in my opinion.</p>
<p>Depends on the college to which you’re applying. Each is different. If you’re intending to major in math, you should take math…right? But, there are some colleges that have a preference or a requirement. Example: NYU allows you to take subject tests IN LIEU of other testing (it’s a long complicated list of options). IF you’re choosing that option of 3 subject tests…THEN they must be certain tests. So you should check each website for each college to which you’re applying.</p>