Do the UC's take "demonstrated interest" into account?

<p>In other words does applying ED or visiting them improve your chances of getting in? I heard some schools do record who visits their school but I’m not sure if this is true.</p>

<p>None of the UC’s offer ED just RD with the application due November 30. If you look at the common data set for what the UC’s consider important for admission, showing interest is considered but not the highest priority. GPA, Test scores, course rigor and essays are the most important factors.</p>

<p>@Gumbymom Could I please have a link to the source that says the UC’s consider interest because the common data sets I’m looking at say that it’s not considered. Correct me if I’m wrong because I was thinking about visiting the UC’s later this summer but now I’m a little hesitant since I live all the way on the east coast. Thanks again</p>

<p>I’m assuming you’ve researched the costs associated with our UC schools and Out of State fees?</p>

<p>@DaneBrick: Actually I only looked at UCSB’s data set which was from 2010 which showed interest was considered. I just checked UCSD for 2013 (page 3) and it shows interest is not considered, so you might have to check each UC separately. <a href=“Undergraduate Statistics”>Undergraduate Statistics;

<p>I really do not think it will have a huge impact on an acceptance or rejection, but I however agree you need to consider that as an OOS student, you will receive very little financial aid and at the least you would have to pay the $23K OOS tuition plus your EFC for any UC you are considering.</p>

<p>@aunt bea"‌
Thanks for the tip, I will surely take a look into the tuition costs for each UC. Do ya’ll know if the UC’s even record who goes on the tours?</p>

<p>UCSB took names on the tours but only to send info.</p>

<p>Dane: your okay with $50 to 60K per year?</p>

<p>@aunt bea As of now, the costs don’t bother me too much because I do have family in cali that I could stay with. Did you visit any other UC’s and were the tours worth it before applying?</p>

<p>@DaneBrick: Just remember you cannot get in-state tuition unless your parents reside in California but if you can commute, then you costs will go down if you are not paying for room and board. My sons and I toured all the UC campuses except UCB and UCLA, since neither of my sons were interested in applying. Taking the tours does give you a good perspective on the overall campus and we tried talking to many students to get their point of views. My older son currently attends UC Davis and it really wasn’t one of his top choices until we visited. He loved the small town college feel of the campus and the friendliness of the all students he encountered. My younger son really liked UCR and UCSB which are completely opposite in location and “vibe”. I personally found UCSC one of the most beautiful campuses but found the surf town image not to my liking… You just never know until you visit.</p>

<p>Dane that’s just tuition and fees. </p>