Do they accept December SAT scores?

<p>I have already applied for early action with a 2150 SAT score but I just got my new scores from December of 2270. Will they use these new scores?</p>

<p>email your admissions counselor and ask.</p>

<p>Ok thanks. I am not sure who my admissions counselor is (Where would one find that out?) but I did send an email to the main admissions office. Just thought maybe someone on here could give me a quick response. Anyways I appreciate the help.</p>

<p>Hi, I thought EA notification deadline was 12/20 so why haven’t you heard yet? Good luck!</p>

<p>EA doesn’t hear back until the spring, it was ED that heard back by 12/20. If you sent an e-mail to the main admissions email you should get a response, so don’t worry about finding your admissions counselor. If you haven’t heard from them by the 28th, I’ll be on campus that day so I can drop by and ask for you.</p>

<p>From the askUM page:</p>



<p>^Thank You.</p>