Do They Read All The Applications?

<p>What do you guys think?</p>


<p>I'll second that... There are rounds of application reading to be sure, with those that make it farther getting a more critical evaluation, but i sincerely doubt yale discards any complete application without a single reading.</p>

<p>I think that certain aplications are looked into less than others...</p>

<p>for example if somone has a 2.4 a 1200/2400 SAT I dount much attention will be given to that person.</p>

<p>I am sure each person in the admissions office has his/her own way of making a first round through the applications and eliminating some.</p>

<p>You pay good money for that first reading!</p>

<p>they tell you they look for reasons to accept you and they read everything.
they will deny any other claims. so... you gotta believe it</p>

<p>Yes. But some are read with more attention than others if those applications stand out more. As example above was given, a 2350 SAT 4.0GPA will be looked at longer than a 2100 SAT and 3.6 GPA</p>

<p>Its a bit unfair if you think about it. Most people pay 75$. They could at least give good consideration by reviewing their entire application before making a decision.</p>

<p>I have a recurring dream of my envelope falling from a pile and never being read. Had it like 4-5 times.</p>

<p>It will be read. However, I don't think why it can be called unfair. You have students who are 100% unqualified and apply hoping that random luck will get them accepted. For these students, they are wasting their own money and the precious time of admissions to read applicants who are qualified. So no, it isn't unfair that admissions don't read all applications with all diligence. You would want admissions to read all applications with due respect relative to the quality of the applications without any subjective prejudice.</p>

<p>Wait...why wouldn't they read all the applications? You think they want to risk missing out on the next world genius or U.S. president?</p>

<p>Actually I disagree. Regardless of you being a valedictorian or the kid with the cone on his head, you paying that 75$ means that you have interest in joining that institution, and are compensating those who will be charged to go through all the submitted paperwork. </p>

<p>I'm not saying that the 710 cumulative SAT whose essay has the word "wicked awesome" in the title should get in because he paid. But his application, the form submitted, should be given the same diligence and attention as any other applicant who pays the fee. Its just my opinion.</p>

<p>I'm with undisclosed on this one. I'm not saying that a person with completely horrendous grades or SAT scores should have his/her app reviewed until finally his/her unique qualities are discovered, but there are many people who have lower scores with a true passion for a particular school. I would imagine that many students don't apply to Yale because they do not believe that all applications are reviewed fairly or read through to try to grasp a person's true characteristics, and that saddens me because often these are truly incredibly students.</p>

<p>Of course they read them all, but they don't pick thoroughly through every one. I don't believe, however, that they have a single thing they look at to immediately decide "admit" or "deny"--I do believe they at least skim the entirety of every application, however weak it appears.</p>

<p>At a school of Yale's selectivity, figure every application gets at least 5 minutes in front of the eyes of an admissions officer. If you can't manage to stand out in those 5 minutes, your app is probably not getting any more time than that. If you do manage to get your foot in the door, obviously yours will be reviewed more carefully and by more people later on.</p>

<p>From what alot of past admission officers have said. All apps are read by two readers, if they are nominated by the reader if they are super awesome for the likely letter, they then go to the head of admissions. If they are good, they go toward the admission committee. The committee then reads and splits the pile into admit, rejected, and possibly. The possibly get a second thorough look and if they are chosen, they go to the admit pile. The rejected don't even get a second look unless you send in an amazing update before admissions. :)</p>

<p>That seems like a fair process. Assuming they (the initial two) read over everything. For example if they only glance at the stats for rejecting a student, that wouldn't be too fair.</p>

<p>No. If your application is incomplete, they won't review it out of the goodness of their goes into the incomplete folder, and then garbage..</p>

<p>one process i've heard (and read) was that they split them, do a preliminary reading by dividing them into A (accept for sure) R (reject, failure, loser etc.) and maybe applicants...the accept for sure have to be approved by the dean, and same with the reject...if the dean thinks further discussion is required, then along with the maybe, they are reviewed by the admission committee ...</p>

<p>similar to other examples listed source is, btw, A is for admission, but I'm sure that the process described could possibly be Dartmouth-specific (since it was written by a Dartmouth officer), however I doubt that other Ivies have significantly deviant methods</p>

<p>I know that most of the ivies review applications like 3 times!!</p>