<p>I got a 84% in physical education during my junior year. Do colleges like Emory, USC, or Notre dame care? (i have 5 other B's throught my high school years)</p>
<p>Not about the gym. They will care about Bs in other subjects, but that won’t necessarily keep you from getting admitted.</p>
<p>I see a rejection letter coming, not only because you have a B, but because this forum has no relation with college admissions. It’s high school LIFE. However, you will be rejected mostly because of that B.</p>
<p>^^Agreed:) I wouldn’t worry about it. Haha, don’t listen to the poster above me:)</p>
<p>I am only a parent here, but I think grading gym class is like grading art class</p>
<p>Well, if they can’t tell which forum is correct to post in, I see no reason to accept them. Gym is so easy. How do you not get an A? Of course colleges will reject if you can’t get an A in the easiest classes.</p>
<p>No, I meant don’t listen to your statement about how they won’t get in because of that B.</p>
<p>Oh yes, okay.</p>
<p>I disagree. Grading in art is based on opinions. Grading on adequate physical condition is not an opinion. You either get the required mile time, pushups, pull ups, etc. or you don’t, there is no opinion</p>
<p>^^^^ again , grading one’s athletic ability isn’t relevant in the academic world…neither is one’s artistic talent. they are both subjective and should not have any bearing on a student’s GPA…( this coming from a former hs artist whose class rank was inflated from an art teacher who gave everyone an A+ ) Physical condition should not have an influence on one’s GPA …had an asthmatic child who could not run the mile time , though she was a size zero, so don’t play the pudge card</p>
<p>^ You don’t get graded on your athletic ability, though. In Gym, you learn about something fitness-related, then you get tests on it. Then you take the tests by answering questions, blahblahblah, and get a grade. So actually, getting a grade in Gym is related to your academics.</p>
<p>yep, have fun going to penn where they can’t even place people in caltech physics or harvard law</p>
<p>Not everyone has the same gym class, guys. Some gym teachers like to be hardasses, too. Because everyone knows, those who can’t teach, teach gym.</p>
<p>In my gym class it’s all based on sports. I have a 6:42 mile time and I’m good at pushups/pull ups but I do badly on team sports(especially volleyball) I think it’s pretty unfair to get dinged for an A- in gym.</p>
<p>How do you get a B in gym?? Did you have a 30 min mile or something?</p>
<p>^ People get Bs, Cs, or even lower because they don’t participate. As long as you participate in my school you’re guaranteed to get a 100. There are no tests or anything of the sort.</p>
<p>No way. Physical whimpiness is a sign of intellectual prowess.</p>
<p>Umm no, I read many time that they put emphasis on the important academic classes. Well in private colleges. Public do care more about the numbers.</p>
<p>Why does your school grade that way. Ours is based on if you come in your gym uniform everyday. For everyday you miss one lower grade for you. Everyone gets an A in gym at my school. Pretty dumb, but the gym teachers are nice.</p>
<p>I don’t think it would matter that much. Colleges admit you on your academic abilities and promise, not how fast you can run a mile.</p>
<p>And yeah, gym classes can be different. This year, if you show up, you basically get an A. My freshman year, however, the teacher would grade us based on her mood No joke. Everyone had the same grade for the same days no matter how hard one worked (it was usually A- so everyone was happy). But one day, while playing flag football, this kid got really mad at our team (cause he’s like a football star) and started swearing and mouthing off making the teacher mad and eventually got sent off the field. What a surprise that that day, everyone got a B-
not that one kid, everyone!</p>
<p>Gym class isn’t always objective so you can’t criticize OP for what seems like a “subpar” grade.</p>
<p>no, but i do. how does that happen??</p>