Do UC's care if you did poorly on SAT subject tests?

I did poorly on my sat subject tests. But I need to submit all scores to the UC’s. Will this hurt my chances of getting in? Or do the UC’s? Is it better to not take any subject tests or to take subject tests and do poorly?

Some divisions on some campuses consider SAT subject tests, while others do not. See

I believe when it says all scores is is referring to the SAT not the subject tests. Subject tests are recommended for some campuses for certain majors; but not required.

You do not need to submit subject tests. If applying to engineering you need to submit a science and math test at some of the UC campuses, but you do not have to submit all tests.

I can affirm that “ALL SAT tests” does NOT include the subject tests.

No UC requires SAT Subject tests. Some schools and programs recommend them as a way to demonstrate mastery of a subject, but you can also use AP scores or your HS Coursework & grades to demonstrate that. You do not “need to submit” Subject Tests (no, not even for engineering, contrary to CADREAMIN’s statement above)

UC’s suggestions:
“While SAT Subject Tests are not required, some campuses recommend that freshman applicants interested in competitive majors take the tests to demonstrate subject proficiency.”


This is a little different spin on the same question: I know that subject tests are not required, and in some cases are just recommended. But if I did pretty well in one subject test (790) would it help to sent it (to UCB and UCLA and UCI) anyway?

If they are recommended for your majority, yes they would definitely help.

No, not recommended for my major. I just thought it would reflect academic performance regardless of matching
with intended major. If not, then I won’t send.

@Eddeavor10: Definitely could not hurt and I think it will help, so send it.