Do UC's care much about freshman grades?

i know there are many question up here that are like this but i just want to be sure. i heard that they only use your 10th and 11th grade grades for the gpa. and also does anyone know if they only use your 10th and 11th grade grades for the class rank? i just didn’t do so well freshman year (3.5) thank you so much!

UC’s use 10-11th grades for their GPA calculation but you need to pass all a-g courses 9-12th to attend a UC.

UC’s do not consider class rank except for ELC eligibility. ELC eligibility is the top 9% of your HS or state. ELC guarantees that if you do not get accepted into your choice UC, you will be offered a spot at UC Merced if available.

3.5 is not bad at all.

thank you! that was very helpful! i was wondering if the Uc’s will look at your overall gpa for all 4 years of high school as well? and do they look at academic or not?

Oh and btw i am aiming for ucsd

the UC has their own GPA calculator that they describe on their website. They only factor in 10/11 grade grades, but you have to take all the courses listed in their a-g list. UCSD along with UCBerkley and UCLA are the toughest admits. Make sure your 10/11 grades are within the averages of those schools.

thank you!

Senior grades are not available when applications are due so Senior grades will only be considered for admission purposes if you are asked for a supplemental (borderline applicant) or they may be considered if you are waitlisted. Senior grades however, maintain your provisional admission when accepted so you need to keep up your GPA.

UC’s will only use 10-11th grades for GPA but will look at all your grades self-reported on your application 9-11th to make sure you meet the a-g course requirements for the UC’s.

Every August, when the UC application opens, the updated Freshman profiles will be posted. It will give you an idea of target GPA’s and test scores to aim for in the next 2 years.

okay thank you so much! your so helpful!

Not at all. Hey, I got several Ds and one F in Freshman, though it’s in a foreign country, but still made it to UCSB. They way more care about your UC GPA, test scores, ECs, and essays.