Do uc's look at 1st semester grades? im getting mixed answers

<p>sry if this has been asked before, but do uc’s look at 1st semester senior grades for ADMISSIONS? wat about rescinding?</p>

<p>also, do you guys have the website or source for this info? </p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>usually they don't but sometimes they ask you for them if they want more information about you.</p>

<p>That means no, except in special circumstances... Rescinding, yes. But only if its really bad.</p>

<p>The only time senior grades will be considered for admissions is under augmented review, which is essentially for applicants on the bubble. Under augmented review a campus will ask for a senior transcript and usually a GC rec.</p>

<p>To avoid recission, you must maitain a 3.0 average senior year.</p>

<p>So they don't look at 1st semester grades?
I've heard that they only use your sophomore and junior grades to calculate GPA, but do look at freshman and 1st semester senior grades and take those into account. Would it just be that they look at your freshman grades?</p>

<p>They will look at your freshman grades only to see if there is a trend (are you improving?), and to see that you passed all the required classes. GPA is calculated with only 10th and 11th grade a-g courses. Senior year course-load is very important, but your grades won't be, as long as they dont slip under a 3.0 (weighted for all UCs except Berkeley and LA, who require an unweighted 3.0). But like everyone said, they may end up asking you for more information :&lt;/p>

<p>Ahh, okay. So when you first apply it's not really senior grades that matter, just senior classes.
And of course you have to keep your grades up for follow up and sending transcript at the end of the year.</p>

<p>I do not report your senior first semester grades when applying. However, upon acceptance you are suppose to send your final grades/transcript by a certain date. This is mostly implemented for students who were conditionally accepted. Meaning, under the conditions that your grades remain where they are or improve you will be granted official acceptance. So- don’t slack off.</p>

<p>^ Sorry to intrude into your post but I have a question, does that means if you somehow earned a super bad grade in your senior year,(while your junior and sophomore scores are superb) the schools would reject you?</p>

If the super bad senior year grade is a D or an F, yes, you will be rescinded as soon as they find out. If it is a C, you’ll be fine as long as you have a semester GPA of 3.0 unweighted for UCB and UCLA and weighted for the rest.</p>


<p>for the first semester of senior year, do the UC’s look at OVERALL GPA or the UC GPA?</p>

<p>(i have 2 C’s, 1 B, 3 A’s. if they count my gpa as a UC gpa, i am f___. :o otherwise, i am fine.)</p>