Do UCSB/UCD/UCI admissions relate?

<p>If you get into one,does that mean that you will get into the others? For example if a person gets into UCSB, does that mean that they will get into UCI? If some one gets rejected from UCSB/UCD, do they still have a chance at UCI? How do their admission policies differ? They are all ranked the same, so it would seem that they have the same standards.</p>

<p>Oh. My. Gosh.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My friend didn't get into UCD but he got into UCSD, and UCSD is ranked higher. The UCs are a crapshoot.</p>

<p>No it is not true. For instance, Davis uses a point-system like UCSD does. However, each school has different everything. They do not relate.</p>

<p>@ Hella: It depends on the major and it also could be how SD's pont system is slightly different and there might be some stuff that was more important to SD than Davis or vice versa. </p>

<p>ALso, what school do you go to? I'm located in Sacramento too</p>