<p>I want to take two spares in my grade 12 year, so I would end up with 3 courses in each semester plus a spare in each. Is this okay to do? Will Canadian universities consider me equally as long as I have the required prerequisites and get good marks, or do they take into account course load?</p>
<p>inb4 CC overachievers tell me I should be taking 8 AP courses + extra online courses</p>
<p>“Will Canadian universities consider me equally as long as I have the required prerequisites and get good marks, or do they take into account course load?”</p>
<p>Yes, they will consider you but yes they will also take it into account. Anyways, 2 spares should be fine if your other 6 courses are rigorous and you have some extracurriculars (though Canadian unis dont look at EC’s as much as American ones)</p>
<p>I know McGill looks at how you balance hard classes with spares, but ECs only matter for scholarships and if your top 6 average is good, you will be fine. :)</p>