do we have to turn anything in with the app?

<p>i was just wondering how this works...i know we have to submit our fall quarter grades by jan/feb and the rest of the courses we plan on taking, but do we have to turn anything in along with the application by nov 30?</p>

<p>I was just asking b/c one of my prereqs was "introductory chemistry (or one year of high school chemistry with grades of C or better)"
do I have to ask my high school for a transcript and mail it to UCLA with my application to prove that I took chem in high school and got above a C in it?
or how does that work?</p>

<p>hmm i dont think so? because i'm assuming you're sending your apps through online? and i think the prereqs are for freshmans... you might have to check to see transfer prereqs.</p>

<p>yeah i'm sending them online and that prereq is for a transfer applicant applying for a psychology major, so i wasn't sure if i should mail them a high school transcript proving i took chem and got higher than a C.</p>