<p>on facebook, people usually either accept or deny a friend request right away. well, i usually accept most of them when i first see it. but i find it weird when i request someone and it takes them 2 months to accept. and i usually request if i think we get along in person, but strangely, some people reject or takes a long long time to accept. i don't know why they would take so long to accept anyway. i mean, if they don't like me, they can just reject right? it seems like they were just putting on an act in person.</p>
<p>Maybe they don’t check their facebook every second.</p>
<p>ummm not that. i said after 2 months, they finally accept. i go to their profile and see that they were active during the last month. which means they’ve seen it, but chose to ignore it. it’s just strange, that’s all.</p>
<p>Hmm… perhaps they let a ton of requests pile up and procrastinated over checking them out… that happens sometimes.</p>
<p>2 months is way too long though. who knows :S</p>
<p>i hate Facebook. </p>
<p>I don’t like being observed. </p>
<p>"Oh, I saw on Facebook that you broke up with your girlfriend and you favorite show is the same as mine…:</p>
<p>I definitely find it creepy when someone whom you just met probably like couple hours ago adds you as a friend on facebook. It’s like did that person immediately go home and look me up or have been secretly stalking my facebook and finding the right opportunity to add me? I remember I met someone in freshman year and I never told her my last name and yet she found me on facebook like 3 hours later…that was creepy for sure. I still accept the friend request but I will still think that the person is creepy.</p>
<p>And ya, I do wonder why some people don’t process the friend request. It’s like you either accept or reject…that simple. I don’t get why some people just leaves the request hanging when you know they have been on since they change their profile picture. I guess they feel bad if they deny it but then they don’t see you as a friend or don’t want to get to know you so they don’t accept the request either. The best thing to do (in their opinion) is to leave the request hanging so they don’t have to deal with it. It’s like just put me out of my misery by denying it or accepting it rather than leave it. This is the only time I will ever say that facebook should be like myspace and that is that I wish you could cancel your friend requests like you can on myspace.</p>
<p>EDIT: Actually, I think I figure it out…those people don’t process the friend request because they don’t want you as their friend (as already stated) but they also don’t want you requesting them as a friend again in the future so by leaving it the way it is, you can never try to add them as a friend again since it will just say “Friend Requested” if you try to add the person again.</p>
<p>You guys think too much into this…</p>
<p>I don’t always go to the requests page when I go on facebook. Sometimes I forget to go, sometimes I just don’t think about it.</p>
<p>It means nothing.</p>
<p>irviner, i think you’re right. that was close to what i was thinking. well, when that person of 2 months requested finally accepts, and i see that they have actually accepted other friend requests not too long ago, i kind of wish they just rejected me so i can get over it. now i have to always wonder if they just feel bad for me or something. kind of makes me want to delete them.</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s creepy when people add me if we have at least 1 friend in common. I usually add anyone who fits that description right away. But yeah, there’s been a couple of times where I’ll wait a week or so because I don’t know how to deal with that person adding me. Usually I just reject a week or so later, but I guess it could work the other way too.</p>
<p>irviner-I think you are thinking too much into this LOL.
I usually add them right away because otherwise I’ll forget their name/or forget to add them all together. I add them right way so the next time I meet them and won’t remember their name I can look it up right away instead of going… “what’s your name again???”</p>
<p>You guys are weird. It’s normal to want friends and network with people. o_o
Jesus, do you want some type of grace period between the time you meet someone and when you’re facebook friends?!</p>
<p>I deny about 70% of them. I also regularly delete people. I have 100-something friends on mine. I think anymore than that would just be annoying.</p>
<p>Why would you delete friends? How is it annoying? It doesn’t get in the way of anything. And doing that kind of goes against the idea of networking. Why even bother with facebook then?</p>
<p>I accept if I know the person or have seen them around somewhere. I usually send a friend request after a couple of conversations with someone because it shows that I want to be friends with him/her, and because I want to expand my network and keep track of friends/acquaintances.</p>
<p>The most awkward friend request I got was from my father who I have a history of not getting along with… rejected because we weren’t in speaking terms at the time.</p>
<p>The only thing I hate about facebook is even after I play with the privacy settings to keep some of my personal life private I still have people annoying the hell outa me for more info. And anybody with over say 500 friends annoys me because they are facebook stalkers. I thought the whole point of facebook was to keep in touch with your friends! Not people you managed to make eyecontact on the street with for 2 seconds!</p>
<p>oh come on, get over with it.</p>
<p>I have never requested to be friends with a person who I haven’t talked to for a decent amount of time. I get requests from people who went to my school but I either barely knew or didn’t even know existed. I accept them but it’s not like I’ll ever talk to them.</p>
<p>I’d rather have my home page filled with statuses/pictures/whatever by people I know… because I actually care and would bother to check some of them out.</p>
<p>I could care less what an acquaintance has to put because I don’t know them well enough to care or relate to.</p>
<p>i just add everyone and anyone regardless if i know them. i’m very indiscriminatory…</p>
<p>I pretty much accept any friend request because I don’t care, haha. This is my motto about posting stuff about yourself on fbook “If you can’t stand up and scream it, don’t do it.”</p>