<p>Do you believe in God?</p>
<p>(mods, please add a poll.)</p>
<p>Do you believe in God?</p>
<p>(mods, please add a poll.)</p>
<p>Define god</p>
<p>I believe a god exists(to me it’s the most logical explanation), but organized religion is complete BS.</p>
<p>No, I am an atheist.</p>
<p>I’m an atheist too!</p>
<p>The world is too organized and beautiful for a G-d not to exist. There must be someone in control of it all.</p>
<p>I believe a god exists(to me it’s the most logical explanation), but organized religion is complete BS.</p>
<p>What he/she said.</p>
<p>Atheist here</p>
<p>Atheist. A “scientific God” may exist, but I find it unlikely.</p>
<p>I don’t see a"scientific God".</p>
<p>Christians do firmly believe in the Bible no matter what. </p>
<p>But atheists may change ideas as long as they find evidence to reject previous assumption. Atheists do not worship anyone or any book.</p>
<p>^ yucca, you create a computer program. You input basic values (ways molecules react, their weight, e.t.c. you get the point). You let the inhabitants evolve, and actually think by themselves, not by some computer algorithm. In like 10 million or 10 bilion, w/e you like, years, people are arguing as we are now, if there is any God. Some people say it’s literally the way it is in the book (blindly exaggerating), some people say screw that bs, God doesn’t exist 100% (same blindness, you can’t claim anything 100% unless you proved it’s wrong). Here you go, you are scientific God.</p>
<p>I believe in a God who is all-knowing and perfect, unlike mankind, who look just like him but are imperfect and therefore mortal, just like the Bible says. But that has to be a lonely, lonely kind of existence, so I go one further and think he is bored stiff and sometimes does armfarts and giggles like a 6th grader. A trait of his that is kind of Palinesque, I guess you could say, and one that makes perfection, oneness, and eternity a little easier to get my head around.</p>
<p>Agnostic, leaning toward atheism</p>
<p>Atheist through and through.</p>
<p>What you are talking about is more likely to be engineering, not science.</p>
<p>Science is all about exploring about the unknowns. Some of the assumptions scientists had ever made turned out to be right but others turned out to be wrong.</p>
<p>People cannot create or change science.</p>
<p>^ Yucca, exactly.
Let’s say I create the world, and for all of that stuff is known. People, using science, are trying to find out unknown to them. Science doesn’t deny idea of God. It’s just the organized religion that can pervert his meaning.</p>
<p>I do not believe or not believe in God (it’s pointless). I am just saying that he/they may exist, there is no way to disprove it. And it doesn’t need to be almighty GOD as depicted in Bible. Simply another supercivilization, or anything, nothing that you should pray at e.t.c.</p>
<p>So,according to your logic,everything unknown is possible and therefore may exist.</p>
<p>There are many things that cannot be proved or disproved. In fact, you can simple make some assumptions like that.</p>
<p>For example, if I say, there are 100 Gods and they govern different groups of people. They do conflict a lot, that’s why the world is not that peaceful.</p>
<p>You can’t disprove me at all.</p>
<p>Yes, exactly, according to my logic - anything unknown MAY exist.
I do not believe in existence of God, because I never saw him e.t.c. But this doesn’t deny the fact that he MIGHT exist. </p>
<p>Quote: "For example, if I say, there are 100 Gods and they govern different groups of people. They do conflict a lot, that’s why the world is not that peaceful.</p>
<p>You can’t disprove me at all."</p>
<p>I can’t disprove you, but if you STATE that there are 100 Gods e.t.c. I would like to know why (proof?). If you say they MIGHT exist, but you don’t know for sure (an no one else does) - that’s different story.</p>
<p>a higher power that created everything- yes</p>
<p>can he be communicated with(prayer, meditation, thought, ect.)- i believe so</p>
<p>as for organized religion- i don’t see why my creator would talk to me through a middle man. I like the native american believe that God communicates with us through his creation. We observe nature(animal behavior and whatnot and even more recent scientific discoveries and theories(black holes, cell structure ect)). We also learn from other people(talking, reading, art ect) who are also part of His creation. We learn from ourselves( thinking, meditation). I just don’t see how one person or group of people can say, “Here, we have all the answers. Believe what we believe or else…”</p>
<p>I really hope you are kidding. Otherwise, you are truly blind.</p>