<p>Nothing this year has gone the way I planned...I've gotten rejected to every single program and scholarship I've applied to (17 rejections so far), my AP tests haven't been going that well, my grades haven't been that good and this is the most important year of high school.
I'm just failing at everything.</p>
<p>Always. Not in the sense that you do though. But I have no special talent at all and consequently no ECs.</p>
<p>Don’t give up…seriously</p>
<p>I’ve been there. In fact, I got kicked out of high school. Now, I am an honor student and will be applying in the fall to a four year. Maybe it’s just not your time to shine this year. Just do the best that you can and everything will fall into place.</p>
<p>Only every day. I always feel like things are difficult that shouldn’t be difficult.</p>
<p>I just don’t want to try anymore. It just feels futile and pointless. Even when I try, I still fail miserably.</p>
<p>Everyone I know, my friends; my teachers; my family, all of them tell me I’m not good enough for anything. And you know what. Maybe I really am not good enough to accomplish anything.</p>
<p>Wow. I got out of juvenile prison 8 months ago. I did 3 years. Now Im going to college in the fall. Do you have any idea how much pressure I feel? Im basically going to another planet bro. Because I am sure I will be seen as “ghetto” Im prepared to be alone most of the time. Just like in my cell in prison. The fear of not being able to assimilate in college is scary. If I cant fit in, It may be back to the ghetto for me. Back to the violence, drama, and pretty much nothing in the streets of So Cal. Talk about the feeling of failing everything you do? Well for me, this is my last shot bro</p>
<p>I feel like I fail at everything I want to do. I’m great at other stuff, but I don’t want to spend my life doing things I don’t like.</p>
<p>Every single day. Everyone’s doing better than me in everything I try. My grades are rapidly slipping and my SAT score was atrocious. I’m practically the only girl in my grade who wasn’t invited to junior prom.</p>
<p>Not really. I mean, I’ve still probably done worse than everyone on here, but everything from high school has started to matter less and less. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, because I still have senior year to worry about, but they’ll be dual-enrollment classes and I’ll get to take whatever I want.</p>
<p>Two more rejections today. Everything just feels like it gets worse as time goes on.</p>
<p>Hey, take a deep breath. Don’t let those words get to you… who are they to say you’re not good enough for anything? You should be the one going out and about proving every single one of them that they are wrong. Don’t let all this stress get to you. It’s life and life will continue to s*ck as it goes on. Pull yourself together, it can only get better. You gotta stay strong till the end and it seems to be that you are graduating this year, correct? Keep a positive outlook on things and fight for your goals and dreams. Don’t let people bring you down like that. Go on to college, away from these negative effers, and live your life.</p>
<p>Same for the rest of you guys. Going to college is like starting another chance at life, a new slate. Don’t pull back now and look straight ahead</p>
<p>Don’t even worry about it. I feel like that every. Single. Day.</p>
<p>But you know what, as cheesy as it sounds, in the end all that matters is how much you believe in yourself. You’ll go to college, get a great job, and have a successful life as long as you tell yourself you can do it.</p>
<p>Your CC family is watching out for you!</p>
<p>@inspiredtobe yea but it’s kinda hard when your whole neighborhood is counting on you. As cliche-ish as it sounds, it’s true. Not even considering the fact that I just got out in September 2012 from juvenile prison. Not even a year later, and I will be on a whole 'nother planet- so to speak. Then add that I talk slang, not interested in “corny” icebreakers, etc and I would say this is gonna be a wild one!</p>
<p>Sometimes, but just because i don’t get these failures get to me! Hey, chin up and keep going! maybe you shouldn’t always think “I’m failing” but “why?” and if it’s just depression go find a hobby or a sport!</p>
I have so much respect for people seasoned by poverty, the streets, prison, and other limited-opportunity environments trying to take advantage of opportunities that are basically controlled by a different culture. Success at that means you have not only the aptitude to do what you do well, but also the smarts and the drive to adapt, and respect for opportunity.</p>
<p>It’s quite a different uphill battle from mine; I have academic resources and tons of free time at my disposal and my problem is that everything I try to understand seems so intellectually difficult that I feel inadequate to understand it. I have an enormous backlog of books I’ve begun to read but never got very far through, but still want to finish. You’re a better man than me if you can understand it, especially if you do that while assimilating in college. =)</p>
<p>Wow…you guys should lighten up on yourselves. I think any body on this site is determined enough to pursue college…slackers wouldn’t be on here. Cuddos for trying!</p>
<p>I began playing lacrosse. I’ve only done it for one season but I suck royally. The only reason I “made” the team was because the coach created a practice team, then (to many teammates’ dismay) accepted all the practice team players on the actual team, meaning more members and less playing time. I busted my ass for two hours after school five days a week, even in the beginning when I knew I wouldn’t play one minute. Actually, people who had been on the practice team weren’t allowed to away games because buses couldn’t fit all of us, and we were a last priority. When the city cup came around, the coach said practice players couldn’t play. I cried. </p>
<p>We had one last practice before the city cup. It was over 80 degrees and there was a dance that night. There were rumors that the coach was gonna make us do field sprints for leaving trash at an away game (which I didn’t even go to, remember). Other practice players didn’t go; actually, many real players didn’t go to that practice. For some reason, I felt like I needed to go and at the end of practice, he let me play in the city cup. I played for about two minutes all season, but that’s two minutes more than I would’ve played if I’d given up when I didn’t make the team (like a lot of girls). Everyone on the team commended me on how much I’d improved and that I was one of the hardest working players. I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty damn proud of myself. Those two minutes mean the world to me. So I can honestly tell you first-hand, it doesn’t matter if you suck.
(This was supposed to be a reply to Swinter on the first page; idk if you can see it, I’m on mobile)</p>
<p>I know a kid who was kicked out of HS after JR year because she missed too many classes. She was given no options by her HS but her family found some choices–transfer to an on-line school, transfer to her public HS for SR year, or take & pass the GED and start CC. She chose the last option. After her 1st term at CC, she applied to transfer to her dream 4-year & and was accepted to the shock of the HS who had kicked her out (since many of their “better” graduates were rejected from that same U). She was admitted into one of the most selective programs at the U and working determinedly, was able to get her degree.</p>
<p>Know another kid who missed about 1/4 to 1/2 of his HS days due health problems. He still graduated with honors and went on to attend a U with a big merit award, where he graduated with honors. He has a great full-time job now and was hired even in a tough economy.</p>
<p>There’s no point in feeling sorry for yourself. If you think you may be depressed and it is affecting your performance, please talk with a trusted adult and/or counselor. They can help sort out whether it’s just “normal” stress or you may benefit from additional counseling. Hang in there. We can get stronger through adversity, depending on whether we choose to move forward or simply give up.</p>