<p>Last night, I just had the strangest sleep deprivation induced dream.
My AP US History teacher and my AP Economics teacher were riding on huge mechanical dragons in the sky.
One was colored pink and silver, and the other was black.</p>
<p>Below them were a huge crowd of AP students. They flew down and declared in a really loud voice, "WE ARE THE BABY BOOMERS."
Then they started throwing Laffy Taffies everywhere.</p>
<p>I don't remember what happened after that, but somehow I got to a subway station. Christina Aguilera appeared out of nowhere and began singing "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Mis.
Then we started talking about the Roaring Twenties and the Cold War.</p>
<p>hahahaha this is amazing, I’ve had weird dreams but this beats them all</p>
<p>Once I dreamt this harry potter like dream, but my broom didn’t fly and everybody else was flying, then my magic wand didnt work but everybody else’s did!, So I took the train back to london, but somehow I woke up in a little island (in my dream)</p>
<p>I always have lucid dreams, but the only thing I ever do in them is try to find a book and memorize it because in the dream I’m thinking to myself “It’s not really plagiarizing if it’s from my subconscious.”
But I can never remember what the books say.</p>
<p>I forget almost all of my interesting dreams.</p>
<p>I do remember one where I was moonlighting as a cybercriminal working with other cybercriminals on a clandestine attack on a government organization. We were all doing our best to hide our identities. Then I found myself with some friends and family at a banquet (might have been a wedding reception). During the banquet/reception, the fire alarm went off and my iPhone started buzzing. I looked at it and I had a text message, with a red SMS icon, from the FBI saying I was a terrorism suspect and I was under arrest.</p>
<p>I woke up hyperventilating.</p>
<p>This other time, I had a dream where was on a boat on a river surrounded by tangerine trees and enormous yellow and green cellophane flowers. The sky was marmalade and there was a face of a girl with kaleidoscope eyes above me and she called to me. I rowed my boat a bit forward to try to get closer. There was a bridge ahead that went over the river and I went under it, and to the right there were rocking horse people eating marshmallow pies by a fountain. They all smiled at me when I looked at them. A little bit past, there was a newspaper taxi waiting for me on the river bank. So I climbed onto it and it took me far away to a train station. A plasticine man with a looking-glass tie handled my luggage. Over by the turnstile, I saw the same girl whose face had called to me from the sky earlier.</p>
<p>Then I woke up. :-(</p>
<p>Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I love the Beatles
<p>You’re am awesome person. Or at least have good music taste.</p>
<p>I was listening to Sgt. Pepper and that song started playing right as I saw this thread and I thought “This would be one hell of a dream to have!”</p>
<p>Actually, now I remember a dream I once had where I was at a speech and debate tournament and I had to compete against John Lennon. My mom was watching, too.</p>
<p>I had a nightmare last night in which I posted an incorrect answer to a [Stack</a> Overflow](<a href=“http://stackoverflow.com%5DStack”>http://stackoverflow.com) question and it received at least 30 downvotes in a short time.</p>
<p>I had a nightmare/dream that I was in some kind of apocalypse decimated city and then some weird person comes up to me and starts screaming at me in an unknown language. After that my dream changed, for some reason, to something more pleasant.</p>
<p>I had a nightmare that a vampire was on the news talking about how he bit my mom and that blood tasted like jelly. Then I went to school only to find that orcs started invading the school, so I hid in a mysterious building my subconscious made up. I woke up after an orc found me.</p>
<p>I always have dreams about zombie apocalypses. Mostly involving me running away from zombies and everyone I know getting slaughtered (especially my dog :()
Sometimes it’s just the kind you would find in a typical teen dystopian fiction novels.</p>
<p>I recently had a dream that my hometown somehow changed from communist China to communist Russia. Well, my mind believed that it was communist Russia, but my dream self was standing there in the middle of a random deserted plaza, and all these bronze statues of Mao started popping up everywhere…</p>