<p>This year in September (Fall quarter), I'm going to be a freshman and today I received info about my dorm and contact info on my new roommate. I feel really scared and nervous. </p>
<p>Back in high school, I was never the outgoing type. I have always been the one who's shy and introverted and mostly everyday, I keep things to myself. </p>
<p>However, throughout this whole summer I've been thinking so much on how I'm supposed to change my personality to suit the rest of society (actually, the outgoing part). I just don't know. </p>
<p>I feel a little guilty because after receiving contact info on my roommate, I felt so tempted to go on Facebook and just look her up. And, unfortunately, I did. I'm sorry, but... I'm just so freaking curious!! I just really want to know. On Facebook, she sort of seems like the nice type, but how can I be so sure?</p>
<p>Regardless of that, I feel really scared. What if she doesn't like me? Based on what I found out about her on Facebook (like her interests she listed there), she's completely the opposite of me! I don't have anything in common!! And I'm just nervous and afraid that we'll never along. I mean, who knows if our personalities might be completely different!</p>
<p>I just need some advice on how to cope with this anxiety and thoughts and doubts I'm having right now. </p>
<p>I even just sent her an e-mail introducing myself, but should I regret that? Maybe I should've called instead?? </p>
<p>I'm really scared, guys. Honestly, I'm not the people-person type. I'm more of the type who only hangs out with my family.</p>
<p>You shouldn’t feel guilty about looking her up on facebook. I just dropped my son off at college and his roommate used facebook to contact him about what DS was planning on bringing for the room. </p>
<p>Sending an email was ok. That’s why the college gave you that information.</p>
<p>Remember this is your room mate. Even if you don’t have anything in common that is ok. What is important is that you both respect each other. I"m sure it will work out fine.</p>
<p>I am also going to be a freshman. I was kind of nervous at first, but you have to think this is college. College is where you step outside your comfort zone, and to be honest, it sounds like you have the perfect roommate to do just that. Just introduce yourself, and make yourself seem willing to try new things.</p>
<p>I don’t think you’ll really know if you’re compatible with your roommate until you’re living together. I ended up Facebook stalking my suitemate (and adding her), and while we weren’t opposites, we didn’t have that much in common. I’ve been texting her, and she seems really nice, which is all I need anyway. After knowing each other for a couple of weeks though, we found some common interests that I wouldn’t have been able to guess from looking at her Facebook page or expect at all, and now we plan on having The Bachelor viewing parties.</p>
<p>In short, I think you might have a good time with your roommate once you’re all settled in. Even if you’re not best friends (which is completely normal), as long as you’re both respectful of each other there shouldn’t be a problem. Keep yourself open and have fun! :)</p>
<p>Dd moved in with a stranger freshman year. Not best buds, but respectful and considerate of each other. worked out great. Summer…went to London. Roommates awful, and…worked out fine. She survived…moved on. Junior year…because of some circumstances lived with a stranger. Selfish thoughtless…and it worked out fine. Next year, living with her best friend. It will work out…fine. You will have good roommates and bad roommates, and you will survive.</p>
<p>For all you know, you may have a roommate who has the exact same personality as you.
But anyway, even if you two have nothing in common, that shouldn’t be a problem. My former roommate and I had absolutely nothing in common, and we got along fine (I got along better with my former suitemates, though, since I had more things in common with them and because they had similar personalities as me).</p>
<p>You seem really anxious…calm down!
Everything you did was correct. EVERYONE creeps on Facebook. And most people use the contact information given to them (which is always via e-mail). So don’t worry about anything.</p>
<p>Just relax, there really isn’t much you can do wrong at this point.</p>
<p>As for the getting along thing, Facebook definitely does not show someones entire personality. You can’t judge a book by it’s cover (or their Facebook) so reserve your thoughts about how much you have in common until you get to know each other in person.</p>
<p>So don’t be scared, be excited!</p>
<p>EDIT: One more thing, you don’t have to magically become outgoing in college. Other than attempting to actually meet people the first couple weeks, you can still be quiet and have a great time. I know so many people that weren’t necessarily outgoing but still found best friends at school. You just have to be willing to let your guard down and meet people even when you feel like you are doing something wrong by talking to them.</p>
<p>I had one roommate that I had nothing in common with, and another that I had a few things in common with. As it turned out, the one I had nothing in common with had similar lifestyle preferences and a similar personality to me, and we became close friends. The roommate I had things in common with had a complete personality and lifestyle clash with both me and the other roommate, and we just barely tolerated each other. You just don’t know how it will turn out until you actually live with them.</p>
<p>You don’t have to feel pressured to change yourself and be accepted by others. The bare minimum of getting along is not starting fights and arguments - I’m seen several examples of my dorm experience of roommates not even talking to each other. Of course your year is going to be a lot more fun if you become friends but that’s a luxury.</p>
<p>For cases where you can’t get along comes the opportunity of swapping rooms, which should come at the beginning of each semester.</p>