<p>Well.. my friends and i, we arn't stingy about money and things so like when we go out, one of us will say "i'll shout today" and she'll end up buying us all lunches and stuff.
And each one of us takes a turn (not organised or anything. Just common sense and politeness does it). W're neva like, "OMG you SO owe me $12 for that dinner i bought you last week!!".. and like, when I go shopping and I see a really cool top that would suit my bestie (and if she's not there and there's only 1 left of that size), I buy it for her (as long as it's in a good price range). And everyone does that same for each other.</p>
<p>BUT. There's this girl who's not really my friend but my friend's friend. And we always end up buying lunch for her and she NEVER has taken a turn in buying us coffee or something. And like, she'll always tag along shopping and be like, "hey OMG this is SUCH a cute top! I dont have the money but can you guys buy it for me? please??!!" and I'm like, "nah sorry i'm short of money today" and she's like "what? you buy every one of your friends things and never buy me anythign!" and i'm just like, umm yea whatever.</p>
<p>And once, I was at home reading a book and she randomly calls me up and says "hey you SO have to pick me up right now because I'm so drunk at this party and like, everyone's busy, so..you are the last resort!" and i'm like, oh, well, gee, thanks.. And I give her a ride back cos I didnt want her to get into an accident. And when I drop her off, she doesn't say thanks, or even in the morning. And the next day, she told everyone about how I was quite the pushover (which im not) and how I drive like crap (i was being cautious..she was like friggin half dancing in my car and annoying the hell out of me by kicking my chair and everything!)</p>
<p>Oh and she never brings money with her when we go shopping because she thinks that one of us will buy her food and clothes.. And like, I'm getting tired of this nonsense. And it's not like I can say, "hey i'm going to shout lunch today but not YOU" and single her out! (cos that's mean and I'm not strong enough to say that to her face lol)</p>
<p>Like, I'd totally understand if her family was in financial trouble or something. But she's quite well off and she always brags on about how her parents are going to get her a mercedez for chrismas and how she's going to get a Fendi dress for this and that party. But like, I never see her with these wonderful things. So she's either lying or just doesnt want to show off her stuff. I'm going with the former.</p>
<p>Yeah sorry. my little rant there. Im sure many people will be like, 'uhh big deal loser'.. but honestly, she is really really really really annoying. I try to stay away from her as much but she just pops up everywhere.</p>