Do you have the most rigorous schedule in your class?

<p>haaaaa. you guys are so ridiculous!!</p>

<p>I take the max possible rigorous course at my school. </p>

<p>AP Literature
AP Government
AP Physics
AP Statistics. </p>

<p>I’m a senior, and our school only allows us to fit 4 Ap’s into my schedule.</p>

<p>I along with some other IBers have the most rigorous schedules in the school. For some reason we have AP prerequisites that don’t allow APers to take as many as perhaps they would like.</p>

<p>IB English
IB History of the Americas
IB Geography
AP/IB Calculus BC
AP Spanish Language
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB Physics</p>



<p>dayaam, you have the most rigorous schedule at YOUR school? dude that school’s insane with those genii like Ante Qu lawl</p>

<p>what do you guys think about kids that don’t go rigorous then so they can maintain a good GPA? =P</p>

<p>^I don’t look favorably on people who choose to do that, challenge yourself, who cares about a couple of B’s…</p>


<p>maybe it’s because all the courses at my school are pretty rigorous, so if you’re going all-out most rigorous you’re either a supergenius or you’re going to burnout</p>

<p>At my school, IB grades are weighted, so you have to go rigorous to be at the top - and then you have to be good at it.
Anyone full IB is gets marked as in the most rigorous courses, though there are definitely paths that are easier than others. For example, HL math kills. Another example: There are three IB English teachers and their grading is inconsistent. One’s easy. One’s brutal.
But in the end it evens out - the tougher teachers tend to be better at preparing you for the IB tests which will eventually determine dinero/college credit. Fun fun.</p>

<p>^ I agree. Some IB paths are more rigorous than others. For instance, anyone taking SL History is said to be taking Diet-IB because they are avoiding the notorious History of the Americas (though it personally isn’t my hardest class). There also aren’t many taking HL Math, and we also have the English teacher problem - one is super hard and one is quite easy. The electives vary as well.</p>

<p>i have by far the most rigorous schedule (im a senior, these are the hardest courses)</p>

<p>AP Cacl AB
Honors English 12 (just started AP-type class, created after scheduling done, so not in it)
Honors Gov and Econ
Spanish IV</p>

<p>duh!, my schedule is so superior!</p>

<p>Here’s mine:</p>

<li>AP Computer Science A</li>
<li>AP Phyiscs C (Mechanics)</li>
<li>AP Calculus B/C</li>
<li>AP Statistics</li>
<li>AP Economics (Sem.)/AP Gov’t US (Sem.(</li>
<li>AP English Lit. and Comp.</li>

<p>^ are you too cool to start it off with (1)?</p>

<p>What do u mean by “it”? The list? lol, I have 0 period.</p>

<p>And to someone who said they had some crap called, AP Human? Wth is that? That’s a lie.</p>

<p>^ AP Human Geography? or whatever the full name actually is… there is an AP Human [something] class… look it up on collegeboard’s site</p>

<p>calling someone a liar just because you haven’t heard of something is generally considered a social faux pas</p>

<p>I don’t have the toughest schedule in my class, but I am in line behind only a few.</p>

<p>My junior year schedule is:
AP Psychology
AP World History
AP U.S History
AP English Language Composition
Chemistry I Honors
Russian III
Computer Electronics
Algebra II (Honors-Online)</p>

<p>There’s only one other junior that I know has a tougher schedule but her GPA is suffering as a result of it. She’s taking AP Calculus, AP English, AP U.S History, AP Physics, and AP Psychology.</p>

<p>~ Theos</p>

<p>In have honor classes, along with two ap’s and one pre-class. Surprisenly I would say I have one of the most rigious classes. Knowing if I didn’t have my two Ap’s I would have easily made all A’s instead of all A’s and a C.</p>

<p>not at all. the most rigorous schedules at my school typically have almost all APs/honors their junior/senior year with maybe one elective as well. </p>

<p>i have:</p>

<li>spanish 3 </li>
<li>AP environmental science</li>
<li>AP statistics</li>
<li>AP literature</li>
<li>AVID 12</li>
<li>drama 4</li>

<p>no. soph:
physical eduation 10-12
honors spanish 5/6
honors chemistry
ap world
honors alg II
honors english lit</p>

<p>i lag behind those who are take honors pre-cal and/or have an honors performing arts class</p>

<p>I got: </p>

<p>A days:
AP Bio Lecture
AP Psych
senior foods
free period</p>

<p>B days:
AP Bio lab
Studies in Satire

<p>lol so Id say no I def dont have the hardest sched</p>