<p>"Alright, it's thanksgiving break. Time to..... study SATs/study ACTs/finish AP self studies/practice <instrument>/do research internships/write research papers/finish online courses."</instrument></p>
<p>Or are you like, "yo man, I'ma sleep all day and play call of duty black ops"</p>
<p>The latter. Definitely. I’m a good student, but I hate stressing out. What about you?</p>
<p>I’m like, “yo man let’s take a break.”</p>
<p>I’m spending the next week with my guy friend before he goes away forever. F**k schoolwork.</p>
<p>Yo man, I’ma sleep all day and play call of duty black ops.</p>
November 24, 2010, 11:48am
<p>I’m definitely the lets-take-a-break kinda girl.</p>
<p>I guess all the hardcore academic posters are busy doing
and cannot post on HSL at this time</instrument></p>
<p>I’m such a beast I’m doing the former and this at the same time…</p>
<p>(In reality, I’m more of the latter, with some of the former mixed in).</p>
<p>I’ve had school off since Saturday, so I’ve chilled out, but it tends to get boring. I have a crapload of homework, and I may start it today.</p>
November 24, 2010, 12:24pm
<p>No, I have college apps but I still clutch newbs on blackops.</p>
<p>I will admit it I am one of those people who is thinking that…BUT I rarely act on the feeling I will probably sleep all day lol XD</p>
November 24, 2010, 12:37pm
<p>AP SELF STUDY! im like 7 chapters behind the regular bio class at my school. uggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh</p>
<p>I think about how much I need to do school stuff…while I do nothing</p>
<p>I’m doing an online course, but I still put in my time in CoD:BO.</p>
<p>I have intentions for the former, but act on the latter.</p>
<p>Funny thing is, I was excited for break so I could catch up on all my work.</p>
November 24, 2010, 1:28pm
<p>I’m doing some of both. I’m up early anyways, and learn/study/practice, then just chill and hang out with my friends the rest of the day.</p>
<p>I want to do the latter, but unfortunately it’s the former for me this Thanksgiving break. I have some catch-up work to do for my classes because of college apps and senioritis/being burnt out/procrastination over the past few weeks :(</p>
<p>jesus christ, do so many of you have parents willing to fork over the $60 for that game?</p>
November 24, 2010, 4:43pm
<p>Maybe do some College Essays, online course…but eh</p>