Do You Have to take the ACT?

Do you need the ACT to apply for college or is just taking the SAT good enough? What test do colleges look more favorably on or prefer that you take? Do you have to submit an ACT and SAT score on your college app?

<p>It all depends on the college.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For virtually all colleges you can submit either the ACT or SAT and they are given the same weight. There are a few exceptions: Wake Forest and Harvey Mudd require the SAT and do not accept the ACT; Princeton claims not to accept the ACT unless it is the required test at other schools to which you are applying; Brigham Young requires the ACT. What happens mostly is that the SAT is taken by students in states where it is the usual test promoted in that state (which includes most eastern states and California) and the ACT where it is most promoted (which includes the majority of states in between California and the east) and then many students from any of those states may attempt both.</p>