Do you learn a lot from Psych 2? Even if you got a 5 on the ap exam?

<p>Would taking Psych 2 be worth if you got a 5 on the ap exam? I have a pretty thorough understanding of high school psychology, so would I learn anything new/interesting from psych 2 that would be worthwhile? </p>

<p>Or would it be a waste of time for someone familiar to psychology and psych 1 would be better?</p>

<p>I'm not going to major in psych, so psych 2 seemed more appealing with its higher grade yields. I'm aiming for law school, so I do need to get as high grades as I can.</p>

<p>Although it's probably too late to switch to psych 1, I'd like to hear your input!</p>


<p>My girlfriend 5’d AP Psych in high school and got an A in Psych 2 last Spring. It varies from semester to semester but she said the class didn’t require that much work except for cramming before exams.</p>

<p>I’ve never taken any psych classes in college but my roommate last year took Psych 2 and we sometimes talked about it. From what I could tell, it seemed like a repeat of AP Psych, but perhaps with slightly more detail. If you got a 5 and feel solid with the subject, I doubt Psych 2 is worth your time. If you just want a free A though, my roommate said it was hella easy.</p>