<p>I usually only let the people who understand the material copy the homework, and it’s usually small short assignments.</p>
<p>Most of the time, no, because I don’t want people copying my BS / taking poor work. For many of my high school classes, I can do well on the exams without putting too much effort into the homework as long as I understand the concepts without putting in the work. As far as Calc or Physics hw, I want them to be able to wrestle with the problems themselves and give them hints because it’s fun watching people’s thinking processes and approaches to problems.
I have allowed copying in a class where you’re supposed to work everything in groups (because there is so much frictioning work) except exams, but that doesn’t count :P</p>
<p>People never ask me…
I guess I don’t look smart enough.</p>
<p>Yes, but only with people I knew well or trusted, and vice versa. And this only applied to quant-heavy BS assignments, so we did a lot of copying of physics problem sets and calc worksheets, but everyone knew well enough to write their own darn papers. </p>
<p>Nobody actually flat-out asked to copy someone else’s homework. You’d hear a lot of “can I see what you got for this question” a couple hours before an assignment was due instead. I wouldn’t necessarily condone this practice, but… <em>shrug</em></p>