<p>I do. I mean...you never know when you might need the favor returned. If they cant return it if that problem arises, then you know what to do</p>
<p>Lets just say people at my school do not ask to copy’; they simply snatch my homework from my binder. Unpleasent, to say the least…</p>
<p>yes. only my friends tho. others…straight up ‘no’</p>
<p>I let anyone copy my homework because I am chill.</p>
<p>of course lol</p>
^moi aussi</p>
<p>I dont understand why people feel they have the right to be angry when I dont let them copy my homework</p>
<p>olool. there was this one time, right. a big take home test for earth and environmental science, by way of scantron. so i complete the test, marking my answers on a separate sheet of paper. then i fill out the scantron completely incorrectly, and give it to this group of four kids so they can copy it. then they do. then they beat me up after school. oloolol. tooottally worth it</p>
<p>depends, a giant assignment, no way, but a couple math probelms or a few questions on chem, sure. i mean any obscene cheating im against, but a few problems or an assignment thats just checked for completion im fine with</p>
<p>No. I will gladly take the time to explain how to do the homework and the concepts to anyone who asks, but I (generally) don’t let people copy it.</p>
<p>sigurros, I like the name, I love them and yeah same goes for me. I can’t stand seeing the really uptight people say no, it just bugs me. It probably doesn’t look good though when I borrow other’s hw since I am the val, but it’s usually for something unimportant and weekly.</p>
<p>Don’t have a problem with it, just as long as it gets returned to me before class starts so I don’t get an “incomplete” mark on my homework. That would be ironic.</p>
<p>there’s only one person who asks me, and she’s one of my best friends, but i always say no… i mean, i always help her if she asks, but i think it’s better in the long run for both of us. </p>
<p>she’s a CCer too, so she’s probably reading this, haha.</p>
<p>copy my homework, my tests, my assigments, but please don’t get caught.</p>
<p>If someone asks me, I’ll usually help them work through the homework rather than let them copy.</p>
<p>If I choose to do the hw, then yes to most people - not the annoying ones though.</p>
<p>As many others have said, I’ll offer to explain it to them but not let them copy. 99% of the time they don’t do the hw b/c they’re lazy, and if they refuse anyone’s offer to help them with the concepts, I basically tell them to enjoy getting a 0.</p>
<p>I’m actually the opposite of a lot of people here. I’ve always said no to my closest friends, so they know not to ask. People who aren’t my friends don’t know any better, and I’m too much of a pushover to say no, so I let them copy everything, cheating on tests and quizzes, homework, whatever.</p>
<p>I also have no problem with doing all the work if I’m in a partnership or group, since it usually guarantees us a better grade.</p>