Do you list Health in Academic History?

<p>I took Health at a CC, and it’s listed as one of the courses to select, but the drop down doesn’t have “other” just math, english, social studies, etc. Is it considered an “other college prep course?” I know you’re supposed to report all of your grades and I don’t want to take chances, but is Health supposed to be listed at all?</p>

<p>I listed any classes that didn’t fit the other slots as “other college prep”</p>

<p>ALSO: Do I count gym class? It’s only worth 1/4 credit per year at my school (four years totals up to one credit of gym class)</p>

<p>I’m unsure as to whether we’re supposed to list Health, PE, and Teacher Aiding…they aren’t listed as a-g requirements.</p>

<p>Our GCs told us not to list PE or Health or Aiding. They are required for graduation at my high school but they are neither “a-g” courses nor “Other College Prep Courses” for the UC’s. (I could’ve used that “A”! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>Did you list them as non A-G courses or can you leave them off completely?</p>

<p>We left them off completely since they, supposedly, have no bearing on whether you will be admitted or not; I know some put it as “Extracurricular.”</p>