Do you need to report both foreign languages if you took 2

<p>I am currently an in-state senior applying to UCs. I took 2 languages concurrently my sophomore year; one language inside of school(spanish), and one language outside of school (french). I got a B both semesters in spanish, but i got an A both semesters in french. Is it ok if i report just my french grades and not my spanish grades, because i would meet the UC requirement anyway? And in my GPA calculation is it ok if i exclude my spanish grade?</p>

<p>What’s the point? The Spanish grade wlll appear on your transcript.</p>

<p>You need to report all grades for your a-g required classes since they will show up on your transcript. Once accepted, you will be expected to send in your final transcripts and any discrepancies found could result in rescinding your admission. Both grades are good why take the chance???</p>